Israel, you’ve gone too far

My latest article for New Matilda is about Israel’s lies in Gaza: The international Jewish community is divided over the latest offensive in Gaza, writes Antony Loewenstein When the fighting eventually ends between Israel and Hamas, what will remain of the Gaza Strip and its people? One local Zionist leader will have us believe that…

The cards are shifting (and Israel missed the press release)

Zvi Bar’el, Haaretz, January 4: Hamas, as it turns out, has a single definition for victory. Like Hezbollah, Hamas knows that a few hundred rockets will not crush Israel, but rather serve as critically-needed leverage to establish its presence as a prominent and active decision-making force in the inter-Palestinian arena. This goes beyond Hamas’ standing…

The utterly unobtainable goal

On Saturday night, one week after the start of Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip, the ground operation began. The Israel Defense Forces started deploying combat units to surround Hamas’ main power base. The goal is not to chase after and destroy every last rocket launcher, but rather to break the Hamas’ resistance and…

Two Jews, far apart

Despite It’s military might, Israel is a weak and dying state. So writes Oren Ben-Dor. I don’t quite share his position, though do believe that global public opinion has rarely been so opposed to the Jewish state and its apartheid policies. Then, reading a piece in Haaretz such as this, when Israel is encouaged to…

A violent nation and proud of it

The free state of Israel? Hardly, writes Gideon Levy in Haaretz: That’s how it is here: Opposition to peace is always legitimate and patriotic; opposition to war is always traitorous, anti-Israel and should be hushed while broadcasting his television show “London & Kirschenbaum” this week, Yaron London acknowledged they had run into problems: “We had…

Gaza distorted by the media lens

The following article, co-written with Peter Slezak, was published today on Online Opinion: Palestinians are paying the price for what we in the West are doing, or rather, failing to do. Israel and its “supporters” rely on rewriting history even as it happens, with the complicity of our media and politicians. The average television viewer…

Israel no victim

The following article, co-written with Peter Slezak, was published today on ABC Unleashed: Vic Alhadeff is a senior Zionist organisation official. His Unleashed article provides an opportunity for analysis that is instructive about our media and intellectual culture. The very persuasiveness of Alhadeff’s case for Israel is the reason it deserves attention. It misrepresents the…

What Zionists never understand

Tom Segev, Haaretz, December 29: Israel is striking at the Palestinians to “teach them a lesson.” That is a basic assumption that has accompanied the Zionist enterprise since its inception: We are the representatives of progress and enlightenment, sophisticated rationality and morality, while the Arabs are a primitive, violent rabble, ignorant children who must be…

Jews with no memory

Israel, the brutal neighbour bully, strikes again. Lessons are never remembered. History is forgotten. The “enemy” cannot be defeated. The Palestinians will struggle on and inevitably achieve independence. Death is becoming a speciality of the Israeli state.

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