Discrimination against Arabs part of Israel’s DNA

Zvi Bar’el in Haaretz: The Soho restaurant in Rishon Letzion apparently refused an Israeli couple’s request for a reservation. Landlords deny requests from Arab citizens to rent their apartments. Businesses look for excuses to fob off Israeli applicants who seek employment, and residential communities make sure that only certain Israelis can live there. There is…

Ireland takes small but necessary step against Israeli colonies

Via Haaretz: Ireland is planning to utilize its upcoming term as President of the Council of the European Union, which begins on January 1 2013, to advance efforts to achieve a joint decision between all 27 member states to ban products from West Bank Settlements. The Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore,… revealed…

Memo to Europe; Israeli occupation won’t end with a few harsh words

Amira Hass in Haaretz: Compared to the value of the security technology Israel sells overseas, the value of European imports from the settlements are mere pocket money. Israel’s economy won’t be hurt even if European governments adopt the measures proposed by a group of nongovernmental organizations in order to shrink trade with the settlements and…

The Jewish state counts acceptable calories for Palestinians in Gaza

No comment is really required on this story except to say that it shows Israel to be a nation that views another people, the Palestinians, as lesser human beings. Amira Hass in Haaretz: After a three-and-a-half-year legal battle waged by the Gisha human rights organization, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories has finally…

It’s official; Jewish minority now rules over Arab majority

Akiva Eldar in Haaretz: Amid a dry economic report published yesterday in TheMarker lies an official announcement/acknowledgment of unparalleled importance: The government of Israel confirms that between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River there is no longer a Jewish majority. In other words, in the territory under Israel’s jurisdiction a situation of apartheid exists.…

If Europe was serious, boycotting Zionist colonies is just the beginning

Typically astute Gideon Levy column in Haaretz: Europe is waking up. The foreign ministers of that continent will soon issue regulations that will oblige products from the settlements to be marked as such. Good morning, Europe. Jerusalem, as usual, is fuming; it always fumes when anyone dares to mention the settlements. Jerusalem is in favor…

The “logic” of Israeli ethnic cleansing in 1948

Benny Morris, celebrated Israeli historian, has no hesitation, in this latest interview with Haaretz, supporting and defending the Israeli ethnic cleansing in 1948 against Palestinians: You said that people were mistaken when they labeled you a post-Zionist, and you described Palestinian society as being like a “serial killer” whose people should be locked up “in…

The daily, mundane nature of Israeli occupation

Amira Hass in Haaretz on the kind of behaviour that rarely receives media coverage. It isn’t sexy, just the reality for Palestinians: It is not for us to be burdened by the considerations of foreign news editors, and so for the second week in a row, we return to Live Fire Zone 918, this time…

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