What does “development” really mean for Haiti?

Tragically, often the true definition of disaster capitalism, such as this industrial park which is already causing controversy, and rightly so. The New York Times have produced a stunning report and short film about the project. This isn’t progress:

Preying on Haiti; a study in disaster capitalism

Via Haiti Grassroots Watch: Twenty billion dollars worth of gold, copper and silver hidden in the hills of the hemisphere’s poorest country. Investors in North America so convinced of the buried treasure, they have already spent 30 million dollars collecting samples, digging, building mining roads and doing aerial surveys. The fairy tale is true, but…

Disaster strikes in Haiti and vultures swoon

While politics in Haiti remains volatile, the reality for millions of its citizens is dire. After the 2010 earthquake, countless foreign companies swooped in the hope of making money from misery. This is the clear definition of disaster capitalism. Two recently reports highlighted the immorality of this situation. Truthout: As Americans were gearing up for…

US and West pushed dodgy election in Haiti

Wikileaks has the story, again: The United States, the European Union and the United Nations decided to support Haiti’s recent presidential and parliamentary elections despite believing that the country’s electoral body, “almost certainly in conjunction with President Preval,” had “emasculated the opposition” by unwisely and unjustly excluding the country’s largest party, according to a secret…

America doesn’t want to be on the side of democracy

So the US government is caught out lying about the supposed threat posed by Wikileaks. In many ways, the damage to Washington is more far-reaching. Maybe not in a practical sense but it’s image around the world. Suffice to say, it’s worsening. For example: Confidential US diplomatic cables from 2005 and 2006 released this week…

Haiti is the lost ongoing nightmare

Remember Haiti? Democracy Now! again visited the devastated country and found little has changed (though a long interview with actor Sean Penn discovers one Hollywood star who isn’t content to just make flying “humanitarian” visits): The teeming city of Port-au-Prince looks like a war zone. Rubble and debris is everywhere and has become a part…

Violence is a means and an end: an interview with Mark Danner

My latest article for New Matilda is an interview with leading American reporter Mark Danner: Leading US journalist Mark Danner calls a spade a spade and examines the political value of violence in this exclusive interview with Antony Loewenstein Mark Danner has some unusual characteristics for a mainstream US journalist. He has published in some…

What we all owe Haiti is freedom

The politics of re-building of Haiti is examined by Noami Klein and Al-Jazeera. Haitian economist Camille Chalmers: “It’s time to go much further [than debt cancellation]. We have to talk about reparations and restitution for the devastating consequences of debt.”

Haiti numbers – 27 days after the quake

890 million.…  Amount of international debt that Haiti owes creditors. Finance ministers from developing countries announced they will forgive $290 million.…  Source: Wall Street Journal 644 million.…  Donations for Haiti to private organizations have exceed $644 million.…  Over $200 million has gone to the Red Cross, who had 15 people working on health projects in…

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