The indignity of being colonial losers in Palestine

Sigh: Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat has dismissed the documents released by Al Jazeera… that show… private offers by PA officials to Israelis on contested issues… than previously revealed as “a bunch of lies”. In… an appearance on Al Jazeera shortly after the documents… were released on Sunday,… Erakat said the Palestinian leadership had “nothing to hide” and dismissed most of…

Engaging Palestinian doctor Izzeldin Abuelaish

Palestinian doctor Izzeldin Abuelaish is a disarming figure. Born in Gaza and living for years in Israel – he’s now in Canada with his children – his recent tour to United States unleashed a tirade of abuse by The Angry Arab (“he is not very bright” etc). After spending time with the Dr yesterday here…

Israel told US it would keep Gaza on brink of collapse

The Middle East’s Only Democracy Inc: Israel told U.S. officials in 2008 it would keep Gaza’s economy “on the brink of collapse” while avoiding a humanitarian crisis, according to U.S. diplomatic cables published by a Norwegian daily on Wednesday. Three cables cited by the Aftenposten newspaper, which has said it has all 250,000 U.S. cables…

Yet more Wikileaks cables to devour

When the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten recently announced it had received the entire collection of the Wikileaks cable dump, the world was strangely silent. But there is a treasure trove in there and should be examined. Heaps on Sri Lanka from the last years, including Colombo allegedly purchasing weapons from North Korea and Iran. Norway as…

Operation Cast Lead two years on

Today is the 2nd anniversary of Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza. Tragically, tensions are building once more: Ilan Pappe agrees. Palestinian civil society releases a statement today that stresses what the international community must do; hold the Zionist state to account: We the Palestinians of the Besieged Gaza Strip, on this day, two years on…

US had no issue with Israeli murder of Hamas leader

It’s only terrorism when “they” do it? On February 25, 2010, State Department spokesperson Philip Crowley lied when he told a press conference that he wasn’t aware of any request from Dubai for assistance in tracking the Mossad killers of Mahmoud al-Mabouh. … To those who say that Wikileaks hasn’t told us anything we didn’t already…

Fatah keen for occupier to murder Hamas

What do you call Palestinians who urge Israel to bomb fellow Palestinians? Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas wanted unprecedented help from Israel in attacking Hamas during the clashes just prior to the militant group’s bloody coup of the Gaza Strip, according to a classified cable leaked by WikiLeaks on Monday. In a cable dated June 13,…

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