Britain realises that Israel isn’t perfect and Zionists are shocked

The kind of debate over Palestine that seems almost impossible here in the US or Australia. Unthinking Zionism helps nobody but unthinking Zionists: David Cameron‘s forthright description of Gaza as a “prison camp” – and its implied criticism of Israel – has struck a chord with many Conservatives but infuriated some commentators. During a state…

Aslan says 2-state solution is dead, and Indyk calls him a liar

My following article is published today on US website Mondoweiss: “The future of relations with the Muslim world” was the UN-sponsored event hosted at the New York Times building in central Manhattan on 21 July. Filled with journalists from Egypt, China and Turkey and the foreign policy establishment, roughly 150 people came to hear Roger…

Sri Lanka gives Israel some fighting tips for killing

Sri Lanka is a rogue state that refuses to investigate its own crimes against the Tamil people. One would therefore think that endorsement of Israel’s “war on terror” is the last thing Tel Aviv would want. Then again, Sri Lanka’s new ambassador to Israel – a former chief of staff in Colombo’s army – is…

Smoking ladies cause divorce, Hamas laughably claims

Isolate a territory, target its rulers and don’t wonder why Islamism breeds (though it must be condemned and plays directly into Israeli hands): Gaza’s Hamas rulers are banning women from smoking water pipes (nargilas) in cafes, claiming it violates tradition and leads to divorce. The new order went into effect last week, and several cafe…

British Jews can only imagine partition in the Middle East

Depressingly predictable results from British Jews. Unimaginative, ignorant of history, sold lies by their leadership and unable to see that the two-state solution will never happen. And then what? Deafening silence: The majority of British Jews favour a “two-state solution” to the situation in Israel, and more than half would support negotiations with Hamas, according…

Hamas is building a society of sorts in Gaza

There are increasing numbers of reports from inside Gaza, including this piece today in the New York Times that rightly says, “Gaza, on almost every level, is stuck”. Journalist David Rose offers a slightly different view, claiming that while life in Gaza is undoubtedly tough, many people are simply getting on with life and the…

Speak to Hamas right now, says Haaretz

An editorial in Haaretz that speaks some sense (and will therefore be ignored by the Israeli government and its global support base): The writer David Grossman called on the government of Israel in these pages yesterday to cease its preoccupation with the number and identity of Palestinian prisoners who would potentially be swapped for captive…

Hamas is evil, Hamas is evil, Hamas is evil (repeat after me)

Republican hack, pollster and Zionist Frank Luntz has some advice for his Israeli friends: If Israeli leaders would carry a copy of the Hamas charter with them, I’d say to you that is game set and match… If every American were to learn what was in the Hamas charter, Israel would never have to worry…

Killing civilians in a kind and considerate way

Despite New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman being always happy to defend Western terrorism in the name of freedom and democracy, don’t get on the wrong side of Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Friedman certainly is entitled to his view. But he is not entitled to slander Israel, and last Sunday he did so with relish. In…

Israeli hack talks of Iranian armageddon

What’s the role of the corporate media? To provide a space for Zionist propagandists to spread lies about the “threats” in the region: In an interview in his office Tuesday, Israel’s ambassador to the United States warned that Iran might unleash a wave of terrorist violence in the Middle East in retaliation for the tough…

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