The Zionism is sick department

This is the state of public Zionism. J Street founder Jeremy Ben-Ami and Atlantic writer Jeffrey Goldberg talk in New York this week and fear the “demographic challenge” to the Jewish state. Yes, polite language for Palestinians campaigning for one person, one vote. On the more paranoid side, the Jerusalem Post’s Caroline Glick says that…

Power cuts in Gaza are all in a day’s life

The latest edition of Gaza Gateway: For the past several months, Gaza Gateway has reported on the declining amounts of industrial diesel, necessary for electricity generation, entering Gaza. These amounts fall far below the needs of Gaza residents and are even lower than the “minimal amount” set by Israel before the High Court, as part…

Red Cross calls the Gaza blockade illegal

Israel may be launching a far from independent investigation into the Gaza flotilla massacre but the real issue remains the humanitarian situation in Gaza. The International Red Cross has released a damning report: The serious incidents that took place on 31 May between Israeli forces and activists on a flotilla heading for Gaza once again…

The reasons most Israelis have no real interest in giving up the West Bank

While America’s neo-conservatives begin a full-fledged campaign of hatred directed at Turkey, this is how one of the United States’ major (war-supporting) Jewish writers, The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, frames the debate; Israeli fear, paranoia and belligerence: Last night Mrs. Goldblog and I went to a dinner at which The Situation was the main topic of…

Welcome to what Gazans were saying four years ago

While a new French reality program pits Israelis and Palestinians under constant watch to learn more about the other (and hopefully not worsen stereotypes), the New York Times decides to finally report on the inevitable: the siege on Gaza has failed and perhaps a different strategy should be employed. But note the tone. Israel was…

“Economic warfare”

A necessary editorial in Haaretz (“Hamas 1, Netanyahu 0“) that speaks for itself: The Israeli blockade of Gaza and all it entailed – the goods forbidden entry, the lies about how there was no humanitarian crisis there – was a form of collective punishment against an impoverished and oppressed population that cast a moral stain…

Now those Turks can go to hell

Jewish blogger Realistic Peace has a pithy way of getting straight to the point (see his post on the Gaza flotilla). His latest highlights the hypocrisy of the American Zionist lobby: Spencer Ackerman has an excellent and succinct post on the hypocrisy abounding now that the American Jewish leadership has decided Turkey is an enemy,…

My talk in Christchurch

During my recent speaking tour of New Zealand, I engaged with thousands of people, including a full house in Christchurch. Here’s the video and audio (neither amazing quality, since it’s compressed files, but you get the gist). I discuss the Middle East, the realities in Gaza and how to engage Hamas: Antony Loewenstein talks in…

Pappe on Israel’s ultimate goal

One of Israel’s finest historians, Ilan Pappe – now based in England – has a necessary take on the Jewish state’s current path of self-destruction: One would have thought that Israel’s drastic decline in international reputation would prompt new thinking by its leaders. But the responses to the attack on the flotilla in the past…

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