Australian Zionist lobby defends killing Arabs and doesn’t ask for permission

Following yesterday’s announcement that Australia will be expelling a Mossad agent after Israel’s abuse of passports in the murder of a Hamas official, one of the country’s leading Zionist bodies, AIJAC, released this almost comical statement. Remember, dear readers, murder isn’t murder when Israel is pulling the trigger: The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council said…

Liberal Zionism debates what Judaism should be in the 21st century

I’m coming late to this essay but there’s a long piece in the New York Review of Books by Peter Beinart talking about the failure of American Jewish elites and the wider Zionist community to understand the real effects of blind backing for Israel. Arabs are openly loathed and yet liberal, American Jewry is walking…

Australian union takes a stand against illegal Zionist expansion

The news that one of Australia’s leading unions, the CFMEU, has begun a boycott of Israeli products from illegal colonies in the West Bank received a tiny item in yesterday’s Sydney Morning Herald but nowhere else that I can see. Here’s the group’s statement from 12 May: The… CFMEU… National… Executive… in… October… 2009… discussed… the… latest… state… of… affairs… regarding… the longstanding… Israeli/Palestinian… conflict… and… considered… information… regarding… the… Boycott, Divestment… and… Sanctions… (BDS)… approach… being… adopted… by… some… national… trade… union… centres. The… CFMEU… Executive… resolved… to… invite… the… Palestinian… Ambassador… to… Australia… to… address… the CFMEU’s… NEC… and… then… consider… our… union’s… approach… to… this… matter… further. The… NEC… heard… from… Izzat… Abdulhadi… at… its… February… meeting… and… considered… the… arguments… for… a boycott… of… products… and… goods… produced… in… illegal… settlements… in… the… Occupied… Palestinian Territories.…

ABC TV broadcast on internet freedom and anti-censorship

I recently debated in Sydney on the motion that governments shouldn’t censor the internet. ABC TV broadcast the discussion and our team included a robust explanation on the principles of free speech. An edited version of the debate was broadcast tonight on ABC Radio National Big Ideas:

Why internet censorship is a fool’s paradise

My following article is published today by the Sydney Morning Herald/Age online: We live under the illusion that governments can protect us from the evils of the world. Paedophilia, extreme violence, lessons in self-harm and suicide, race hatred and terrorism. We have every right to expect governments to monitor hate and terror sites and arrest…

Clegg loves Israel (how could he not?) but urges some changes

Britain’s Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, currently the man of the hour in the UK, told Haaretz this week about his real views on Israel: “As to the accusations that I am hostile to Israel, my actions prove the opposite. I have always sharply opposed various efforts to impose academic and cultural sanctions on Israel.…

New Zealand remembers well how Israel views its sovereignty

The Dubai/Mossad saga rolls on: A former Israeli diplomat at the centre of a passport scam in New Zealand in 2004 has been named as a suspect in the assassination of a top Hamas leader. Zev William Barkan is one of 32 people Dubai police say they want to speak to as they investigate the…

No concern with cuddly Americans killing for Israel

In case anybody was unsure, this story in Politico includes a key point about the profound hypocrisy of America’s foreign policy (and the situation is little different in Australia). It’s alright for Jewish, American citizens to visit Israel and kill Arabs in the name of “fighting terrorism” but anybody caught on the side of the…

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