The Goldstone story will not die

South African judge Richard Goldstone’s damning report of the recent Gaza war continues its public hearing (highlighting the complete lack of interest or will on the part of Israel, or Hamas, to investigate their own crimes): The Financial Times, with a history of real balance in the Middle East (or at least an ability to…

Amira Hass recognised for her tenacity and truth-telling

The Guardian editorialises today on the remarkable Israeli journalist Amira Hass: Only Amira Hass could have received the International Women’s Media Foundation lifetime achievement award by saying her life as a journalist had been a failure. By her standards maybe, but then she sets them high. If her aim is to stop successive Israeli governments…

Obama either takes Palestinian justice seriously (or not)

Australians for Palestine public advocate Michael Shaik publishes the following in the Australian: Nine months since the end of the offensive, Gazans continue to live in plastic tents alongside the ruins off their homes because Israel refuses to allow building materials into Gaza. …  The Israeli government reasons that, by inflicting such punishment on Gaza’s…

Introducing…Miss Aceh

My following article in New Matilda is about the Indonesian province of Aceh: Despite recently implementing sharia law — including the stoning of adulterers and homosexuals — Aceh does not fit the stereotype of an Islamic state, finds Antony Loewenstein Muslim extremists in Aceh were outraged when a young woman from the province, Qori Sandioriva,…

Hamas wants to move Gaza in the wrong direction

Everyone knows the greatest threat isn’t Israel but women bearing their dangerous hair, wrists and feet! It began with a rash of unusually assertive police patrols. Armed Hamas officers stopped men from sitting shirtless on the beach, broke up groups of unmarried men and women, and ordered shopkeepers not to display lingerie on mannequins in…

Israel wants to be special (and kill unarmed civilians)

Here’s the message from Israel. Other nations kill civilians, why can’t we? This is what Israel has become: Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz on Sunday accused the United Nations Human Rights Council of anti-Semitism, after the UN body endorsed a damning report on Israel’s winter Gaza offensive. “This is an anti-Semitic attempt to decide that what…

Choking Gaza to make a perverted political point

A fascinating insight into the realities in Gaza in the London Review of Books. Deprivation, corruption, desperation, an Israeli siege and Egyptian bad behaviour: According to World Bank officials, 80 per cent of Gaza’s imports currently come through the tunnels. Once black-market smuggling had turned into Gaza’s formal trade, Hamas inspectors began to impose controls…

The war on terror isn’t a reason to kill Palestinians

The UN Human Rights Council last week endorsed the Goldstone report over Gaza. Israel may soon have its own Pinochet moment. Leading Jewish American journalist Jeffrey Goldberg is worried, however, and his reasoning is revealing: Tactics deployed to hurt Israel inevitably cause collateral damage. It’s a good thing that the United States, and a handful…

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