Caring more for Israeli blood

The return from Hamas of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is reportedly near (though many false stories have alleged this in the past). Gideon Levy in Haaretz highlights the hypocrisy of those shouting the loudest for his release: There is no need to waste more words on everyone’s desire to see Gilad Shalit return home.…

A US leader who understands Palestine

Jimmy Carter talks to al-Jazeera about the “absolutely necessary” end to West Bank settlements and the engagement of Hamas. Carter has been saying the same thing for years and I admire him for it:

Netanyahu needs to learn some democracy lessons

The Israeli group Breaking the Silence recently released a report about alleged crimes by IDF officers during the Gaza war. The response from many in Israel was to attack the messenger rather than examining the charges. Benjamin Netanyahu continued this onslaught during his visit to London: “They are breaking their silence about the only democracy…

Come this close to killing Arabs with your bare hands

The following advertisement just came through via the Daniel Pipes email list. Zionists must be salivating at this trip organised by the Israel Law Center: A once-in-a-lifetime experience: THE ULTIMATE MISSION TO ISRAEL Monday, October 26 – Monday, November 2, 2009 Experience a dynamic and intensive eight day exploration of Israel’s struggle for survival and…

Gaza is a place with humanity

American film-makers Jordan Flaherty and Lily Keber recently visited Gaza and documented the human rights catastrophe there: Gaza Under Siege from Lily Keber on Vimeo. My documentary of Gaza is here.

Gaza blockade is great for al-Qaeda

My latest New Matilda column is about the growing militancy in Gaza: The recent shootout in a Gaza mosque has highlighted the way Israel’s blockade of the strip radicalises people and encourages terrorism, writes Antony Loewenstein Gaza is facing yet another threat exacerbated by the ongoing Israeli siege: Islamic fundamentalism. In mid August, 24 people…

If Hamas murders innocents, we’ll say so

Some pro-Israeli Palestinians (yes, they exist) are accusing the Western media of ignoring human rights abuses committed by Hamas. Maybe some are but I seriously question the claim that Israeli violence is somehow more news-worthy. Hamas atrocities are regularly slammed in the Western media, as they should be. Take this (though the alleged source, Fatah,…

If the occupation stays, cinema tickets are meaningless

Efforts by eager Western journalists and Zionist officials to praise the supposedly positive economic signs in the West Bank are thankfully challenged by the Independent. Less checkpoints have undoubtedly brought more freedom for some Palestinians but here’s the rub: Critics say Mr Netanyahu’s approach is aimed at evading the broad political concessions needed to really…

Gaza moves further down the path of radicalism

I investigated in Gaza the growing Islamisation of the Strip. It continues: Female students in the Gaza Strip will be required to wear head coverings and full-length robes beginning this school year, the Hamas rules of the Gaza Strip announced on Monday. According to the new regulations, any female student that does not attend class…

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