Dealing with al-Qaeda in Gaza

The National editorialises on the recent dramas in Rafah against Muslim extremists: It was perhaps only a matter of time before Hamas was outflanked by a more radical group in its Gaza stronghold, but the bloody showdown between the Palestinian Islamist movement and the shadowy Jund Ansar Allah is an unwelcome development for the Palestinian…

When Hamas are the moderates

When I was in Gaza I asked a number of people about extremist forces. I was told that they existed and Israel’s siege only makes them more likely to thrive. Looks like Hamas is taking action: Hamas security forces killed the leader of an al-Qaida-inspired group in the Gaza Strip Saturday in a shootout that…

When the Zionist status-quo is too appealing

The latest statement by Israeli peace group Gush Shalom: On their way from One settlement to another, Our ministers screamed: “Fatah is extremist!” When Israel will end the occupation On the ground (And not only by words), It will find partners for peace In Fatah and in Hamas, too. A government of annexation And settlements…

Can we just exclude Palestinians entirely?

Peace in our time? No chance, says this pro-settler, Zionist lobby in the US (post the recent Fatah conference in Bethlehem): “This conference made it crystal clear,” said Zionist Organization of America President Morton Klein, that “peace is not possible with Hamas or Fatah.”

Jew urges Australia to stick head in the sand

Yet another response in today’s Melbourne Age after former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser’s comments about engaging Hamas and other highly sensible suggestions. This one Jew ain’t happy at all: Former prime minster Malcolm Fraser’s call for the Australian Government to engage with Hamas (Comment, 11/8) is as misguided as it is misleading. Even more disturbing…

Get the Zionist PR flaks pronto

Following former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser’s article in yesterday’s Melbourne Age about welcoming Hamas into the diplomatic fold, this sterling letter in today’s paper: Malcolm Fraser (Comment, 11/8) highlights the absurdity of Israel’s claim to be the only democracy in the Middle East when it has brutally punished Palestinians for democratically electing their own…

Two-state solution takes more than mere words

Hussein Agha and Robert Malley, veterans of the Middle East conflict and astute writers, pen a piece in today’s New York Times that gets past the usual bleating over a two-state solution: The two-state solution has welcomed two converts. In recent weeks, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, and Khaled Meshal, the head of Hamas’s…

Will Australia stand up and back Hamas?

Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser on the importance of bringing Hamas in from the political cold: Hamas was isolated, violence – predictably – resumed and the whole region paid the price. Israel and America also made attempts to strengthen Fatah, to weaken or destroy Hamas. Such attempts have failed. Fatah’s leadership was not up…

Just how far will Hamas push the Strip?

Ben White in the Guardian on the growing Islamisation of Gaza: But why is this happening now? One answer is that these developments in Gaza are a consequence of the state of siege that the tiny territory has been under – a society that has been fenced-in, starved, and seen its very fabric torn apart…

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