Will the US really challenge this?

Russia talks sense (while Israel simply continues to expand settlements in the West Bank): Russia’s foreign minister has… said talks with the Palestinian group Hamas were “needed” to achieve lasting peace in the Middle East. “We are certain that this is needed,” the Russia interfax news agency quoted Sergei Lavrov as saying on Sunday after meeting…

Beyond time to wield the massive stick

Israel’s Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya’alon said on Saturday: Settlements are not the reason that the peace process is failing, they were never an obstacle, not at any stage. Even when Israel pulled out of [Palestinian] territory, the terror continued. Even when we uprooted [Jewish] communities, we got ‘Hamastan.’ That is why I propose that…

They’ll turn the gun on their trainers one day soon

Lt. Gen. Keith Dayton, U.S. security coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, recently explained his role as training Palestinians to essentially manage the Zionist occupation. This is clearly the “vision” Barack Obama imagines for a supposedly independent Palestinian state. Now a profile in Israel’s largest newspaper worries that Dayton thinks very differently to the…

A day in the life of a conversation with an active Zionist

Earlier today I posted a comment about Israel/Palestine from Dan Diker, the foreign policy analyst at the Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs. He stressed that any kind of Middle East peace deal was impossible as long as Iran, Hamas, Hizbollah, terrorism and polluted water (!) was in the way (he may not have mentioned the…

Please let us bomb Iran for the world’s sake

Dan Diker, the foreign policy analyst at the neo-conservative Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, outlines his perspective on the upcoming meeting between Barack Obama and Benyamin Netanyahu: One of the difficult differences between Netanyahu and Obama concerns their fundamentally different views over the linkage of the Palestinian-Israeli peace process to the containment of Iran’s nuclear…

When unions back oppression

The following message was sent to the Trade Union Action Committee of the British Palestine Solidarity Campaign: An interesting notice appears on the website of The JC.com under the title “New labour movement is ”˜pro-peace’” (30 April 2009). The article states that: “A new international trades union movement committed to work for peace between Israel…

Obama should stand strong (but will he? Probably not)

The challenges ahead for Barack Obama as he prepares for his speech in Egypt in early June are many. Will he honestly tackle Israel/Palestine? US-backed dictatorships in the Middle East? Human rights? The New York Times reviews: Even before the issue of human rights is raised, though, Egyptian leaders and activists will be looking for…

Let the locals manage our occupation

This is what Israel and the US consider “Palestinian independence“: Last Thursday, in what was billed as his very first on-the-record address, Lt. Gen. Keith Dayton, U.S. security coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, spoke to the 2009 Soref Symposium organized by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. WINEP, of course, is the…

The freedom to praise Christ

Life for Christians in Gaza is tough, not least from Hamas and Israeli bombardment: To be a Christian in Gaza these days requires discretion. When I approached a group of Christians lunching in a beachside hotel — they were identifiable because the women did not wear Islamic headscarves — they insisted that Hamas is tolerant…

Fear is a good thing for Israel

Zionist neo-cons are allegedly convinced that the Obama administration no longer cares about Israel and will not help the Jewish state protect itself from the Iranian nuclear “threat”. As if. Since when was some tough love not in order? Israel is not a special country and nor should it be treated that way. This is…

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