A perfectly healthy country

War crimes? What war crimes? Military Advocate General Brig. Gen. Avichai Mendelblit on Monday instructed the Military Police Investigation unit to close the investigation into soldiers’ accounts of alleged misconduct and serious violations of the army’s rules of engagement during Operation Cast Lead. In a press release issued Monday the army said that the preliminary…

Don’t think Obama doesn’t approve pounding Gaza

The latest Seymour Hersh article in the New Yorker focuses on the possible warming relationship between Syria and the West. But this paragraph stands out: The Obama transition team also helped persuade Israel to end the bombing of Gaza and to withdraw its ground troops before the Inauguration. According to the former senior intelligence official,…

Wishful thinking and hard facts

The New York Times editorialised yesterday that it hoped and prayed Israel’s new government was serious about peace. It surely knows the truth; namely that every single Israeli government for decades has continued to expand the illegal colonies in the occupied territories: If Mr. Netanyahu is serious about being a partner for peace, he will…

Getting hot through liberation

More rabid anti-Semites dare to criticise Israel’s “moral” war in Gaza: Israel‘s military fired white phosphorus over crowded areas of Gaza repeatedly and indiscriminately in its three-week war, killing and injuring civilians and committing war crimes, Human Rights Watch said today. In a 71-page report, the rights group said the repeated use of air-burst white…

When human rights for all is deemed impossible

The Zionist establishment is fearful of the ever-growing campaign against Israeli human rights abuses: …The facts on the Middle East ground have put Israel’s advocates in a nearly untenable position. As Yossi Klein Halevi has often pointed out, both the settlement enterprise and the Oslo effort failed to achieve their fantastic goals. Now Hamas has…

From one stumble to another

Yossi Alpher, former adviser to Ehud Barak, recalls a conversation with outgoing prime minister Ehud Olmert: I recall asking Olmert at a closed meeting about a year ago what his strategy was for dealing with Hamas in Gaza. His answer: well, now and again we close the crossings, we retaliate for rockets fired at us,…

Don’t let the criminals escape

Seamus Milne, The Guardian, March 23: Evidence of the scale of Israel‘s war crimes in its January onslaught on Gaza is becoming unanswerable. Clancy Chassay’s three films investigating allegations against Israeli forces in the Gaza strip, released by the Guardian today, include important new accounts of the flagrant breaches of the laws of war that…

Moderate Jews are the majority

J-Street, the relatively new pro-Israel lobby group, releases the results of its new study, revealing yet again that Zionist fundamentalists speak for nobody but themselves: This new poll shows strong continued support among American Jews for assertive American diplomacy in ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as in the Middle East generally. The results demonstrate…

How many own goals can the lobby have?

Just another day in the life of the extreme Zionist lobby looking like fools by pressuring the Canadian government to bar George Galloway. Will they ever learn that they simply come across as insecure Jews fearful of open debate?

Disregarding Palestinian life is utterly normal

The mask continues to slip from Israel’s “moral” army: An investigation by a group of former Israeli soldiers has uncovered new evidence of the military’s conduct during the assault on Gaza two months ago. According to the group Breaking the Silence, the witness statements of the 15 soldiers who have come forward to describe their…

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