An army with a dead heart

The true face of Israel’s bombardment in Gaza is revealed by the testimony of the soldiers themselves. Killing innocent civilians, wanton destruction, a hatred of Arabs. These are the actions of a truly democratic state? Aviv: “I am squad commander of a company that is still in training, from the Givati Brigade. We went into…

Building a new kind of Judaism

My following letter was not published in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: As an Australian Jew, I stand alongside the Palestinians with millions of other Jews around the globe. The tragedy of their situation, inflicted by Israel and the Western powers, requires a simple moral reasoning; Jews are no longer the victim. Judaism is not Zionism.…

Hamas is part of the picture

Of course: Four members of the British parliament met Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal on Saturday and urged their government to end its boycott of the Palestinian group “to achieve just peace.” “We need to talk to Hamas to make progress (towards peace) because they represent a big proportion of the Palestinians,” Clare Short, an MP…

This is how Israel is seen

Today we stand in solidarity with individuals who challenge the military might of the Israeli military and illegal occupation of the West Bank: Israeli armed forces and border police used the cover of the war against Hamas in Gaza to reintroduce the firing of .22 rifle bullets – as well as the extensive use of…

Kill them, any Arabs will do

Gideon Levy, writing in Haaretz, targets Israeli media cheer-leaders of wars against “enemies”: And what of the cheerleaders who sat on the sidelines of this hellish nightmare? Perhaps we should at least hold them accountable? They sat in their television studios and at their newspaper desks. Oh, how the commentators were excited and stirred excitement.…

Killing Jews with toilet paper

Clearly a threat to Israeli society: The United States is protesting to Israel over seemingly random restrictions on deliveries to the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip of harmless goods such as soap and toilet paper, diplomats said Wednesday.

Academic’s visit divides Jewish groups

The following story by Andrew West appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: A leading Jewish publication stands accused of censorship after cancelling an advertisement for a series of lectures to be delivered by a visiting Israeli human rights campaigner. The publisher of The Australian Jewish News, Robert Magid, confirmed that he had pulled an ad…

A refreshing Jewish voice

Israeli/American peace activist Jeff Halper – currently in Australia on a national tour – appeared tonight on leading ABC Radio’s current affairs program, PM: MARK COLVIN: Middle East peace negotiations are in something of a holding pattern at the moment, as Binyamin Netanyahu tries to form a government in Israel, and Barack Obama and Hillary…

Getting them in the dock

One day soon, and who knows when, Israeli war crimes will be treated as such. In the meantime: The Russell Tribunal on Palestine was launched today at a press conference chaired by Stéphane Hessel, Ambassador of France. The initiators, Ken Coates, Chairman of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, Leila Shahid, General Delegate of Palestine to…

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