A state with shameless censorship

On 11 January 2009, the English-language website of Israel’s Haaretz newspaper published an article by Amira Hass, entitled “Gaza residents: IDF troops posing as Hamas men.” The article was removed from the website hours after publication. Haaretz told Arab Media Watch via email that the reason for its removal was that “the IDF censor had…

The necessity of despots

The sale of doormats featuring the Star of David, enabling Syrians to express their anger with Israel every time they enter or leave their homes, went up in Damascus during the Gaza war. But Syria – despite its brutality towards its own people – is about to be brought in from the cold. And President…

Some kind of dodgy science

Complicity in Israeli atrocities should not be tolerated, even in far away lands: Quite extraordinarily, the Science Museum in London and the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry have both been made available (on 3 and 5 March respectively) for an event called “Israel Day of Science”. The museums argue they are not sponsoring the…

Reducing the collaborator pool

That’s some Zionist victory: Palestinian intelligence agents, working for Israel in its recent “Operation Cast Lead,” were exposed and many of them captured or killed in the aftermath, U.S. officials said.

If any other country did this…

Terrorism, pure and simple: Israel Defense Forces investigations into last month’s offensive in the Gaza Strip indicate the army could face significant difficulties justifying the scale of destruction of civilian homes during the fighting. A military source involved in the investigation told Haaretz, “It’s clear to us that in a small portion of the combat…

Only wishful thinking?

The Economist magazine outlines the possible changes in the Middle East under an Obama administration: Most Americans still strongly back Israel in its determination to defend itself. Expressions of support for the Israelis during the Gaza war and an inclination to blame the Palestinians for starting it ran nearly four-to-one in the Israelis’ favour. Evangelical…

Flowers for all

Such kindness: Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Israel allowed the export of a shipment of flowers from Hamas-run Gaza on Thursday for the first time in about a year, Israeli officials said. Does Israel realise the message this move sends to the world? That of a ruthless occupier that occasionally acts humanely.

Reducing the moderates

Yes: The one unmistakable victim of the Israeli election is the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, who can now look forward to many more years of deadlock with Israel, as well as an escalating effort by Hamas to discredit the Palestinian Liberation Organization, and then eventually either replace it with a more amenable structure or hijack…

Get out of the damn way

If peace between Israel and the Palestinians is to be achieved, writes Tony Karon in The National, both Washington and Hamas will have to engage. Israel will have to be made to realise that its current path is unsustainable. The Zionist lobby may not be pleased, but its influence in the US is a key…

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