Israel entitled to attack Hamas

Following my article in last week’s Australian Financial Review on Israel’s war crimes in Gaza, the following letter appears today in the paper: It is ironic that Antony Loewenstein’s piece “Israel must pay for crimes” (January 30) is in the Legal Affairs section, as it shows a complete lack of understanding of international law. It…

Where to hide?

While the Jewish state and its Western allies delude themselves that the recent war against Gaza taught Hamas a lesson, international law may start creeping up on Israel: The International Criminal Court is exploring ways to prosecute Israeli commanders over alleged war crimes in Gaza. The alleged crimes include the use of deadly white phosphorus…

This is what we think of you

Bloggers in Gaza are gathering information about what happened during the recent Israeli attacks. In this update, we hear from families whose homes were looted and left covered with faeces by Israeli soldiers, learn what the effects of DIME weapons are, and are told the story of a father whose baby daughter was shot, his…

Join them or fail

Rami G. Khouri, Editor-at-large of The Daily Star, reminds the US that Hamas will have to be an integral part of any Middle East peace: Hamas cannot be avoided any more than the United States could avoid the Viet Cong or the British could avoid the IRA. Hamas is legitimate because of its actions, but…

Justice for all

Noted Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery demands that the Jewish state’s crimes in Gaza are fully prosecuted, ideally in Israel but if not, internationally: The main thing is that war criminals, like pirates, should be brought to justice. It is not so important where they are caught. (This rule was applied by the State of…

The Podcast Network on Gaza

The Podcast Network is a massive global community of citizens. I was interviewed on Friday about the war in Gaza, the role of the US, the Zionist lobby and the ways in which the Western media obscures the truth about the Palestinians. An interesting footnote: With the help of my two assistants Tim Grainger and…

Death matters much

Robert Fisk asks: When did we stop caring about civilian deaths during wartime? He writes: I wonder if we are “normalising” war. It’s not just that Israel has yet again got away with the killing of hundreds of children in Gaza. And after its own foreign minister said that Israel’s army had been allowed to…

Israel rightly feels the cold

Below is a full-page statement – “Irish Call for Justice for Palestine” – which appeared in the Irish Times (31st January) on p.5, replete with ca. 300 signatures. The demands include a call for a boycott of Israeli goods and services. The signatories include 5 MEPs (from Proinsias de Rossa to Marian Harkin),…  many TDs…

When will reality hit?

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan tells the Washington Post, in a sign that even once friendly allies of the Jewish state are losing patience with its criminality, that its time to enter the league of civilised nations: Hamas is not an arm of Iran. Hamas entered the elections as a political party. If the…

Saying no to outright bigotry

Independent Australian Jewish Voices blogger Michael Brull on why any form of anti-Semitism cannot be allowed to seep into the pro-Palestinian campaign. It should be loudly condemned if it ever does.

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