Are there any nations that Zionists would shun?

Two terror states, Israel and Sri Lanka, seem to have hit a slight problem in their tawdry relationship: Despite the damage control measures that have been taken, the government fears Israel would withdraw crucial military assistance to Sri Lanka after Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva Dayan Jayatilleka made a scathing attack on Israel…

Using the Palestinians

Azadeh Moaveni, Washington Post, Janaury 25: During a recent trip to Tehran, I noticed that the Benetton shop in my old neighborhood of Darrous was closed, its windows papered over. In the past, fundamentalists offended by the shop’s immodest displays had decried its immorality and spread rumors of “Zionist ownership.” This time, however, they set…

Killing comes with a price

Israel’s latest war against the Palestinian people will resonate for years to come. Here’s just two recent developments: Oxford City Council endorses boycotting Israeli products and companies. Montreal: call for academic boycott of Israel.

Who are your real friends?

The collusion of the Palestinian Authority with Israel’s war and occupation will only end in tears and violence: Israel made a “big mistake” by ending Operation Cast Lead without overthrowing the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian Authority official in Ramallah said on Thursday. His remarks came as the PA security forces intensified…

The IDF lie too well

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak: As an army which is unsurpassed in its moral traditions, the IDF has done all that it can in order to adhere to international law, in order to avoid harming civilians who are not involved in fighting. Human Rights Watch head Ken Roth: Throughout the recent war in Gaza, the…

Being on the wrong side of history

The British broadcaster is both gutless and clearly petrified of the pernicious Zionist lobby: The BBC has refused to broadcast a national humanitarian appeal for Gaza, leaving aid agencies with a potential shortfall of millions of pounds in donations. The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), an umbrella group for 13 aid charities, launched its appeal yesterday…

The Jewish state likes being alone

Saudi Arabia is a brutal dictatorship run by crooks. Despite this, however, it remains a close friend of the US and “ally” of Israel. The recent war against Gaza may have changed all that, writes Prince Turki, chairman of King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies in Riyadh. He has also been director of…

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