This is not being done in our name

I spoke at the Gaza rally in Sydney yesterday. My fellow Independent Australian Jewish Voices co-founder, Peter Slezak, was invited to address the Melbourne protest. His speech was an eloquent expression of Jewish dissent against Israeli crimes: We have a responsibility to turn our moral concern into meaningful action, because it is here, in the…

Liberation is so sweet

Some Palestinian casualties in the Gaza Strip were wounded by a new type of weapon that even doctors with previous experience in war zones do not recognize, according to Dr. Erik Fosse, a Norwegian cardiologist who worked at Gaza’s Shifa Hospital for 11 days, during Operation Cast Lead… The unknown weapon appears to mainly affect…

J’Accuse: open letter to Kevin Rudd Prime Minister of Australia

The following statement is released today by the recently-formed Committee for the Dismantling of Zionism: Dear Prime Minister, We are part of an increasing number of people around the world of Jewish descent who are sickened by the coldly calculated massacre of the Palestinians of Gaza and who utterly repudiate Israel’s claim that it acts…

Best to protect their delicate eyes

Why aren’t the true words and feelings of Taghreed El-Khodary,…  the New York Times stringer in Gaza, appearing in the pages of the paper? (Instead, the paper prefers to mock critics of its Middle East coverage. No wonder it’s financially screwed.)

Victory will never happen

John Mearsheimer, co-author of The Israel Lobby, writes in The American Conservative: The Gaza offensive has succeeded in punishing the Palestinians but not in making Israel more secure.

An open letter To David Miliband From Independent Jewish Voices

This letter was published as an advertisement in the New Statesman, 15th January 2009: Dear Foreign Secretary, We are writing as concerned Jews who are utterly dismayed by Israel’s actions against the Palestinians. We object to the misleading representation of this conflict as entirely instigated by Hamas and merely defensive on the part of Israel.…

From Sydney to Iran

Following my recent interview with the Tehran Times about the conflict in Gaza, I was interviewed (in English, then translated into Farsi) with Khabar online. Persian readers are welcome to enjoy the article.

Just don’t slam Zionist crimes

Militant Zionism is the most peaceful ideology on the planet. Or not: British Jews have been attacked for expressing support for Palestinians suffering under Israeli military strikes in Gaza. Police confirmed yesterday that they have provided protection to a number of people believed to be victims of UK-based Zionist extremists angered by expressions of solidarity…

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