How to cause violence and knowing it

The London Review of Books publishes a collection of contributors to analyse the crisis in Gaza. Alastair Crooke, co-founder of Conflicts Forum, argues that the rise of Islamic militancy is worsening thanks to Western barbarity: At one level Gaza will be seen as a repeat of Algeria. At another, it will speak to wider struggles…

Victory in blood

With the war against Gaza entering a new phase – partial “peace” though Israeli troops still occupy the Gaza Strip and the Jewish state claiming/hoping/praying that its actions will deter Hamas/Hizbollah/Iran – allegations such as these will only continue to grow: Israel stands accused of perpetrating a series of war crimes during a sustained 12-hour…

Gaza protest chokes central Sydney

Several thousand people have again choked the streets of central Sydney in a protest over the Israeli bombing of Gaza. The Israeli Government’s announcement of a ceasefire has been met with cynicism by many. About 5,000 people crammed into the Sydney Town Hall’s forecourt to again condemn Israel over the deaths of 1,200 civilians in…

Speech against the war in Gaza

I gave the following speech at the rally against the war in Gaza in Sydney today in front of roughly 5000 people: Stop the War on Gaza Rally 18/1/09 I stand before you as a human being first and a Jew second. The war against the Palestinian people in Gaza has shown Israel’s true face…

They are being heard

The political and media elite ignore the support for Palestinians in the wider community at their peril. Sydney Sun Herald’s Kerry-Anne Walsh writes today: The public loves it when MPs speak out of turn but their party often subtly punishes them. Last week, on this page, we featured an opinion piece by federal Labor MP…

A ceasefire, finally

But Hamas’ gains cannot be ignored: It has won international legitimacy and sympathy, and its forces still control the Gaza Strip. But what kind of ceasefire is it really?

And some take a stand against Zionist bigotry

If a journalist in America dares criticise Israeli actions or accuses the Jewish state of criminal force, expect the Zionist lobby to accuse that person of anti-Semitism, hatred and a host of other terms. Thankfully some, like Bill Moyers, simply refuse to be intimidated.

The Palestinians will never accept this “message”

Ilan Pappe, London Review of Books, January 14: Israel justifies its conduct in Gaza as a part of the fight against terrorism, although it has itself violated every international law of war. Palestinians, it seems, can have no place inside historical Palestine unless they are willing to live without basic civil and human rights. They…

A space for quiet reflection

Many Palestinians are calling the current conflict a “war of extermination“. Israeli voices of dissent are far and few between (though thankfully some journalists accused the Israeli Foreign Minister in Washington today of her country hosting “terrorists”). A few rays of light exist in the Jewish state, away from the racism that permeates daily life.…

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