Um, you know, Israel is tops

Joe the Plumber, celebrated by conservatives as an average man simply wanting to report on “jihad”, says while in Israel that he thinks the media “should be abolished from war reporting”: North Korean officials would be most pleased with this result.

Nobody said Israel was run by smart people

Anthony H. Cordesman, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, January 9: What is the strategic purpose behind the present fighting? After two weeks of combat Olmert, Livni, and Barak have still not said a word that indicates that Israel will gain strategic or grand strategic benefits, or tactical benefits much larger than the gains it…

And the winner is…

Who has gained so far from the situation? So far it is Hamas, which can claim to have undermined greatly Israel’s ties with Turkey, Jordan and Qatar. And it has only just begun.

Don’t ask such stupid questions

Israel’s bombardment of Gaza is not self-defence – it’s a war crime. So wrote a number of prominent Britons in a letter to the London Times yesterday. But, ask some Zionists, why does the West condemn Israel when she’s fighting “one of the world’s most extreme terror organizations”? Maybe because thousands of Palestinian civilians have…

Crush them, kill them

Zionist mouthpiece Daniel Pipes argues that Israel’s leadership is “disastrous.” Why? Because they haven’t bombed Iran: The waning days of the Bush administration, with the current president nearly out the door and the president-elect yet in the wings, offers a unique moment to take care of business. Why did Olmert squander this opportunity to confront…

Let the man be heard!

Joe Wurzelbacher, aka Joe the Plumber, is soon to head to the Middle East “to interview ordinary citizens about life in the crosshairs of jihad“. Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin writes that the American liberal media elite loath an average, non-Ivy League man daring to explain the truth about the Middle East. Sure thing. Joe has…

Feel sorry for us, please

Robert Fisk, in The Independent, notes a familiar story told by countless Zionist propagandists in the global media: It all depends where you live. That was the geography of Israel’s propaganda, designed to demonstrate that we softies – we little baby-coddling liberals living in our secure Western homes – don’t realise the horror of 12…

When killing is just a game

In a sea of hatred during Israel’s war against the Gazan people, at least one major American journalist, Bill Moyers, spoke sense late last week, calling for calm and American policy to recognise the immorality and futility of the Jewish state’s current actions:

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