Start praying for salvation

Murdoch’s Australian newspaper hilariously publishes an article about Australian Jews now working in Israel to sell its war against Palestinians civilians. Says Captain Rutland, head of the European and Pacific desks at the IDF: I know that the vast majority of them [soldiers] are quite simply very good people who do the maximum to minimise…

Civilians are being murdered

The following testimony was released by Israel’s leading human rights group, B’Tselem on January 9: Muhammad al-Astal, clerk Last Friday [2 January], at 2:15 P.M., I was standing next to al-”˜Amda Restaurant, which is about eighty meters from my house. Four men from the neighborhood were standing opposite me. It was quiet. The only sound…

Propaganda is still propaganda

While shameless pro-Israel hackery from Zionist activists online is little more than useless propaganda. Now that we know the Israeli Foreign Ministry is actively recruiting people to tell a “pro-Israel” line in the media, why should the world believe anything they ever say?

Young Jews stand up

Anybody who thinks that a growing number of Jews are refusing to publicly oppose Israeli crimes in Gaza are ignoring the mountains of evidence. The Jewish state has a serious PR problem and it’s only getting worse.

They don’t speak for millions of us

Brian Klug, co-founder of the UK-based Independent Jewish Voices, has published a statement on the situation in Gaza: In any conflict between peoples, there is a time for balancing the books, for placing facts neatly in the debit and credit columns, for issuing measured statements about the rights and wrongs on both sides. But not…

Australian writer: Israel is a child that won’t grow!

My following interview, published in the Tehran Times, is now available online. Aside from an excessively flowery introduction, my comments are exactly as I sent them: Amidst the harrowing blitz of Zionist arsenals on the defenseless civilians of Gaza and under the heart-rending silence of international community, UN officials, Western powers and Arab leaders who…

Zionism looks shadier by the minute

The following are a choice selection of Gaza-related writings: – Noami Klein: “It’s time. Long past time. The best strategy to end the increasingly bloody occupation is for Israel to become the target of the kind of global movement that put an end to apartheid in South Africa.” – Peace groups lose first major Gaza…

The sad price of violence

Israel had better get used to these attacks: An Israeli basketball team fled to the locker room Tuesday as hundreds of fist-pumping, chanting Turkish fans protested the violence in Gaza. The European Cup game between Bnei Hasharon and Turk Telekom was postponed because the Israeli team did not return to the court. There was no…

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