We need this man

When you need somebody serious to fully explain the reality of the Israel/Hamas conflict, who do you turn to? Er, an ignorant workman? Joe the Plumber is taking on a new job. The Ohio man, who became famous during the US presidential campaign after asking Barack Obama about his tax plan, is heading to Israel…

Invitation to Sderot

The following letter appears today in the Melbourne Age: Dear Antony Loewenstein, having confessed that you are a good Australian Jew, may I suggest, that before you condemn the Israeli Government’s “grossly disproportionate military assault on Gaza”, take yourself and your 110 colleagues to Israel and spend a day or two in Sderot. After all,…

Open letter to Israeli soldiers

The following is an open letter to be soon published in Israeli newspapers: Jews call on Israeli soldiers to stop war crimes We Jews in the international community call upon Israeli soldiers to raise the Black Flag of Illegality over the operations against the people of Gaza. We refuse to remain silent while Israeli leaders…

How many kiddies should we shoot today?

So, writes… Herb Keinon in the Jerusalem Post, the world should really feel the pain of…Israel: Israel’s situation is also becoming more difficult, officials said, because it is viewed as the party that is refusing to accept a cease-fire. Another problem facing Israel, according to Foreign Ministry sources, is that while the world is being fed…

Little girls who bomb civilians

Israel continues to bombard Gaza. But Sydney’s Daily Telegraph prefers to focus on war criminals instead: Israeli women are required to do national service – and are being called up for operations in Gaza. Here are some of the girls in action.

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