Australian Jews slam ‘inhuman’ Gaza conflict

The following story appears on the ABC today: More than 100 Australian Jews have signed a letter describing Israel’s military action in Gaza as disproportionate. The letter has been written by the group Independent Australian Jewish Voices. Among the signatories is the former Whitlam government MP Moss Cass, the writer Linda Jaivin, and the New…

Australian Jews protest against Israel’s action

The following article, by Andrew West and Jonathan Pearlman, appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: More than 100 Australian Jews, including two award-winning novelists and a former federal cabinet minister, have signed a statement condemning Israel’s siege of Gaza, heightening tensions within the local Jewish community over the violence. The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, meanwhile…

Gaza invasion over the top: Jewish group

The following article, by Barney Zwartz, appears in today’s Melbourne Age: More than 100 Australian Jews, including some prominent members of the Jewish community, have condemned Israel’s incursion into Gaza as “inhuman, superfluous and abominable”. They have signed a statement disowning the military assault as grossly disproportionate and claiming it was Israel that violated the…

War is a side-show

The longer term objective of this plan, as formulated by Israeli policy makers, is the expulsion of Palestinians from Palestinian lands.

Bring your own presents

A wedding invitation that perfectly captures the current “love” between Israel and Egypt. From one US-backed dictatorship to a US-backed client state. Feel the love.

The only real way forward

Financial Times, January 4: Gazans have been under blockade since Palestinians had the temerity to elect Hamas three years ago, while Israel has significantly expanded its occupation of the West Bank and Arab east Jerusalem. This is a conflict that can end only if an independent Palestinian state is created on all that occupied land.…

The cards are shifting (and Israel missed the press release)

Zvi Bar’el, Haaretz, January 4: Hamas, as it turns out, has a single definition for victory. Like Hezbollah, Hamas knows that a few hundred rockets will not crush Israel, but rather serve as critically-needed leverage to establish its presence as a prominent and active decision-making force in the inter-Palestinian arena. This goes beyond Hamas’ standing…

Rare voice of local reason

The Australian Greens released the following necessary statement yesterday: Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown has called on acting Prime Minister Julia Gillard to add Australia’s weight to calls on Israel to end the gross and disproportionate violence and bombing of Palestinians in the Gaza strip. “We call on the acting Prime Minister to speak out…

Opening the gates of deprivation

GIsha, Legal Centre for Freedom of Movement, reports on January 4: Gaza Electricity, Water and Sewage Systems on Verge of Collapse …·… … … … … … …  7 of 12 power lines damaged à 75% of Gaza’s electricity cut off. …·… … … … … … …  Gaza City, including Shifa Hospital, entirely without electricity. …·… … … … … … …  Over half a million residents cut off from water supply.…

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