Leave the Nazis dead and buried

I generally agree with the comments by Muzzlewatch about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speech in Geneva. Much of the talk was actually historically accurate and presented uncomfortable truths for the West and Israel in particular, but his Holocaust denial, aggression and defending of human rights was all a sick joke when one knows the reality…

The growth of the non-state actor

Hezbollah’s No. 2, cleric Naim Qassem, speaks to the Los Angeles Times: The more we clarify our image to the people of the West, the more pressure they will put on their governments to stop supporting Israel… In recent years, the Western perception of Hezbollah has changed. Even governments have started to look for reasons…

How to fight those non-state actors

Just because Israel lost its 2006 war against Hizbollah doesn’t mean that Washington can’t learn valuable lessons: A war that ended three years ago and involved not a single U.S. soldier has become the subject of an increasingly heated debate inside the Pentagon, one that could alter how the U.S. military fights in the future.…

How many own goals can the lobby have?

Just another day in the life of the extreme Zionist lobby looking like fools by pressuring the Canadian government to bar George Galloway. Will they ever learn that they simply come across as insecure Jews fearful of open debate?

Using the Palestinians

Azadeh Moaveni, Washington Post, Janaury 25: During a recent trip to Tehran, I noticed that the Benetton shop in my old neighborhood of Darrous was closed, its windows papered over. In the past, fundamentalists offended by the shop’s immodest displays had decried its immorality and spread rumors of “Zionist ownership.” This time, however, they set…

Mis-calculation on all sides

The Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram quoted Hamas’ political leader Khaled Meshal on Tuesday as saying his Islamist group was surprised by the force Israel recently used against it in the Gaza Strip. Meshal, who was speaking at an Arab conference on Gaza in the Qatari capital Doha, reportedly told a closed forum that Hamas had believed…

Victory in blood

With the war against Gaza entering a new phase – partial “peace” though Israeli troops still occupy the Gaza Strip and the Jewish state claiming/hoping/praying that its actions will deter Hamas/Hizbollah/Iran – allegations such as these will only continue to grow: Israel stands accused of perpetrating a series of war crimes during a sustained 12-hour…

Failure on every count

The conflict between Israel and Hamas should give us cause to pause and wonder what the Jewish state has become. War crimes are taking place: “There is no doubt that Israel is using phosphorous bombs over Gaza. Israel is flagrantly violating the Fourth Geneva Convention,” says Raji Sourani, head of the Palestinian Center for Human…

Another foe at the gate

While Israel fervently attempts to terrorize the Palestinians into submission in Gaza, many observers have started to wonder why Hizballah has refrained from stepping in militarily to assist its brothers-in-arms, Hamas. Such musings fail to take account of the constraints on Hizballah’s room for action, as well as the circumstances under which Hizballah would ignore…

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