Urging Israel to bomb Lebanon and soon

Smell the disappointment from the neo-con class: In Washington the assumption is that it’s only a matter of time before Israel and Hezbollah will be at war again. But what’s worse is that, according to policymakers and analysts I’ve spoken to, the United States is sharply opposed to Israel finishing the work it failed to…

Hizbollah being part of the furniture

The new law of the Middle East; the harder you’re hit by Israel the more popular and resilient you’ll become: Hezbollah has opened its first permanent museum atop a wooded hill here that was strategic territory in a 2006 war with Israel, the latest step in the group’s evolution from a band of militants to…

The reasons most Israelis have no real interest in giving up the West Bank

While America’s neo-conservatives begin a full-fledged campaign of hatred directed at Turkey, this is how one of the United States’ major (war-supporting) Jewish writers, The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, frames the debate; Israeli fear, paranoia and belligerence: Last night Mrs. Goldblog and I went to a dinner at which The Situation was the main topic of…

“Cats smuggling semtex in their fur for Hamas”

More, please (thank you, Mark Steel): It’s time the Israeli government’s PR team made the most of its talents, and became available for hire. Then whenever a nutcase marched into a shopping mall in somewhere like Wisconsin and gunned down a selection of passers-by, they could be on hand to tell the world’s press “The…

So you love Israel but are you being paid to think that?

Where to begin with this story? So here’s what we now know. Anybody, repeat anybody, who may be speaking on behalf of Israel or supporting its policies may well be on the payroll of the Jewish state. Just brilliant. Yet another way to completely shoot down whatever credibility Tel Aviv may still have: The Foreign…

Assad and Meshaal speak (and we should listen)

The idea of journalists speaking to our “enemies” happens so rarely that it’s refreshing to see the exception to the rule. Too many media hacks fear being labeled as unpatriotic. Surely blindly backing the state, any state, is unhealthy. So, here’s Charlie Rose interviewing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal and gives…

Chomsky appears on Israeli TV alongside marching Hizbollah men

After Israel refused entry to Noam Chomsky into the occupied, Palestinian territories, he was interviewed extensively on Israeli TV and of course told that he didn’t believe in Israel’s right to exist etc etc. The same, tired cliches that are effectively demolished by Chomsky. He makes the key point; the best friends of Israel are…

The concerned Australian legal liberal who wants Israel to act humanely

Leading Australian legal academic Ben Saul wrote back in March that Israel should no longer be a protected species in the international arena. He’s back with an equally strong statement. And note the growing number of public figures who no longer accept Zionist exceptionalism: Britain’s expulsion of an Israeli diplomat is a lesson for Australia…

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