Naomi Klein is a danger to the world (insert laugh here)

An intriguing and rather pathetic attempt to slam Naomi Klein, by the Zionist think-tank Reut Institute, claiming she is really working (implicitly, of course) with Hamas and Hizbollah to destroy Israel. Yes, it’s that sophisticated and utterly ignores any human rights abuses in Palestine: “Kleinists” seem to have concluded that one-sided criticism of Israel is…

The means and methods of killing Israeli enemies (and who who admire them)

Mossad’s supposedly legendary ability to murder so-called “enemies” is praised by many Jews but simply shows the illegality of Israeli actions. The recent killing in Dubai of a Hamas operative – according to former New York Times journalist and Iraq WMD story-teller Judith Miller, this was Israel’s third attempt – alerted the world to such…

Raising for Hizbollah is a problem (but Jewish colonies is not)

Americans raise money for the illegal settlements in Palestine and nobody says a word and yet this behaviour is deemed unacceptable: Three Florida businessmen were arrested for smuggling video games to a mall in Paraguay linked to Hezbollah. The businessmen, from the Miami-Dade area, were arrested Feb. 18 for smuggling video games and other electronic…

Using “sabotage” to support Israel’s noble mission

With the Zionist organisation Reut Institute releasing a report detailing how to attack Hamas, Hizbollah, critics of Israel and anti-Zionists (yes, we’re all seen as an equal threat), clearly the global campaign against Israel is starting to bite. And can’t simply be erased by military means. The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah highlights one disturbing part…

American arms despots, hopes for peace and good outcomes

This is the wonderfully concise, humane and sensible approach by the Obama administration to bring peace to the Middle East; more weapons: The Obama administration is quietly working with Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf allies to speed up arms sales and rapidly upgrade defenses for oil terminals and other key infrastructure in a bid…

Fisk on ever-worsening tensions between Lebanon and Israel

Robert Fisk on renewed fears that Israel and Lebanon may be at war again soon. The insanity of such a move is undoubted – both sides, Hizbollah and Israel, have been threatening the other – but it’s clear that Israel is determined to avenge its disastrous 2006 adventure against Lebanon: Of course, the gentle countryside…

Israel initiates terrorism, says Turkey and Lebanon

This must be Israel’s wonderful outreach working wonders on friends and neighbours: The prime ministers of Turkey and Lebanon on Monday lashed out at Israeli violations of Lebanese airspace and air strikes in Gaza, warning they were undermining prospects for peace in the region. “Attacks on Lebanon is terrorism itself ”¦ We have to stand…

This is how the IDF fights

The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel released the following statement this week: The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) released today [2 December 2009] a new report which exposes the shifts in Israel’s combat doctrine as evidenced in the prosecution of operation “Cast Lead” and from numerous public oral and written statements made…

Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran (says Jewish historian)

Israeli historian Benny Morris, a man with a serious dislike of Arabs and Iranians, yesterday unloaded in the UK Guardian and urged nothing less than a military strike against the Islamic Republic. Once again, a leading Zionist voice defines his ideology as nothing other than violence and devastation: The talk in Israel, explicit and open…

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