Making money from emergency healthcare

I’ve spent 10+ years investigating the issue of disaster capitalism around the world. Here’s my latest story, published in Australia’s major outlet The Saturday Paper, on the company Aspen Medical, its role during the Covid-19 pandemic and highly profitable contracts around the world. Aspen Medical’s Covid-19 contracts | The Saturday Paper

How international law fails Palestine

During the Coronavirus outbreak, “normal” Middle Eastern politics are less discussed in the media and yet Israel’s occupation of Palestine is just as brutal as ever. My interview with US outlet Fair Observer about Trump’s recent Middle East “peace deal”, the reality on the ground in Palestine and possible points of leverage for Palestinians. Here’s…

ABC Radio National discussion with Yanis Varoufakis on disaster capitalism

I recently spoke at the Adelaide Writer’s Festival talking about Palestine, my recent book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, and disaster capitalism with former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. My events can be heard here and here. My conversation with Varoufakis was recently broadcast on Australia’s ABC Radio National Big…

What UK Labour should consider on serious drug reform

In my new book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, I investigate drug policy in the UK and it’s a very mixed picture (my recent Guardian article gives a grim assessment). UK Labour just lost an election and now has the opportunity, if it wants, to craft a sensible drug policy.…

Britain’s Novara Media TV interview on Pills, Powder and Smoke

Last week in London, during my book tour for Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, I was interviewed by one of the country’s leading alternative media groups, Novara Media. With a massive online reach, the conversation covered a lot of ground from Honduras to legalisation to why the drug war is…

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