Ongoing injustice of the Halabi case in Israel/Palestine

Back in June, +972 Magazine published my major investigation into the troubling case of Mohammed Halabi, a Gaza resident and World Vision employee who’s caught up in an ugly case of Israel prosecuting him for supposedly supporting terrorism (though there’s no evidence to prove this point). Halabi is one of many Palestinians who are unjustly…

Let’s establish a Ministry of Happiness

My story in today’s Canberra Times: Australia is facing an epidemic of loneliness, depression and suicide. These problems aren’t being solved by usual medicines or policies. What if federal, state and territory governments established a Ministry of Happiness to investigate the causes and find rational, achievable and funded solutions that looked beyond the typical remedies…

The Saturday Paper praises Pills, Powder and Smoke

One of Australia’s major weekend newspapers, The Saturday Paper, reviews my new book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, in a piece by Louise Swinn: While our government, under the guise of “compassionate conservatism”, announces plans to drug-test welfare recipients, journalist Antony Loewenstein brings us Pills, Powder, and Smoke, the result…

Kirkus Review gives Pills, Powder and Smoke strong send-off

My new book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, is released in the US this November. It recently received a strong review in the large Publisher’s Weekly and now another US reviewing bible, Kirkus Review, has written (mostly) positively about the title: A critique of the war on drugs, which, by…

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