Pills, Powder and Smoke released as audio book

My new book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, has been released as an audio book read by the acclaimed, veteran Australian actor John Derum. It’s available on whatever platform you use for audio books. Here’s a sample:

Ethical ways to end the brutal war on drugs

My interview in the Guardian about my book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, by Jenny Valentish: In August 2018 there was a flurry of headlines about the hypocrisy of middle-class cocaine users, dubbed “the woke who do coke”. Hot takes were prompted by the comments of UK Metropolitan police commissioner…

Al Jazeera English documentary broadcast, West Africa’s Opioid Crisis

Al Jazeera English has just broadcast my documentary, West Africa’s Opioid Crisis, made with South African film-maker Naashon Zalk. Commissioned by the global network’s leading documentary program, People and Power, this was a 9-month investigation in Nigeria and beyond into the devastating effects of the addictive opioid drug tramadol: West Africa – and particularly its…

Disaster Capitalism documentary now streaming on Amazon

My 2018 documentary, Disaster Capitalism, on individuals, companies and governments making money from misery in Afghanistan, Papua New Guinea, Haiti and the US, is now available to stream on Amazon. The film is directed by Thor Neureiter, produced by Media Stockade and written/produced by me. It’s only for US viewers now but will soon be available…

When anti-Semitism is weaponised to silence criticism of Israel

The anti-Semitism “crisis” consuming the UK Labour party is largely an attempt to silence serious criticism of Israel IMHO. I was asked to comment on just one angle of this story by Phil Miller in the UK newspaper The Morning Star: Labour has been labelled “undemocratic” after the party revoked a press pass for a…

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