UN report on abuses in Myanmar and ties to disaster capitalism

The UN recently released its independent international fact-finding mission report on Myanmar which encouraged the world to sever ties with the country’s military and the many companies, local and foreign, making $ from the brutal conflict. Thanks to Rawan Arraf, a wonderful lawyer in Australia and founder of the Australian Centre for International Justice, she…

How the EU is moving towards drone surveillance of refugees

My major investigation in the UK Observer/Guardian with Daniel Howden and Apostolis Fotiadis was published on 4 August: Amid the panicked shouting from the water and the smell of petrol from the sinking dinghy, the noise of an approaching engine briefly raises hope. Dozens of people fighting for their lives in the Mediterranean use their…

When Jews fear intermarriage

My essay in global broadcaster TRT World: The leaked words of Israeli Education Minister Rafi Peretz sounded shocking. The rate of intermarriage amongst US Jews was “like a second Holocaust”, he claimed. The Jewish people had “lost six million people” in the last 70 years due to intermarriage, Peretz said. Six million Jews were murdered during the…

General public views on drug legalisation

Following my essay in this week’s Sydney Morning Herald about the need to legalise and regulate all drugs, the paper publishes three letters in response: I agree with Antony Loewenstein (‘‘Legal drugs will make us safer’’, July 8). The fact that drug manufacture and supply is left to criminals does not make sense and is…

Palestinian prisoner faces indefinite detention in Israeli prison

The picture that emerges from many pages of internal World Vision documents, rarely heard details of the court case, and a correspondence with Halabi himself, is more than just that of an innocent Palestinian being tortured, mistreated and pressured to capitulate to Israeli demands; it also raises uncomfortable questions for many in the global and Israeli media who willingly accept Israeli government claims about Palestinians — even when there is no supporting evidence.

Stop just talking to ourselves part 854322

Back in 2017, I was commissioned by Germany’s Goethe Institute to write about the dangers of living in filter bubbles and finding ways to escape them. Berkeley University’s Greater Good department teaches and researches ways to build a more compassionate society. One of its fellows, journalist Zaid Jilani, wrote an essay on what happens when…

How Extinction Rebellion gives hope on climate change action

Extinction Rebellion is a grassroots movement demanding radical (and necessary) action on climate change. The group, with activists around the world, is strongly challenging the political inertia around climate change and pushing back against individuals or companies (hello security firm, Pinkertons) aiming to make $ from the crisis (aka disaster capitalists). I was interviewed about…

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