The wonder, anger and occupation of Jerusalem

My essay in The National newspaper about the city of Jerusalem: House demolitions occur regularly in East Jerusalem, well away from the tourist path. According to the United Nations, Israel destroyed 190 Palestinian homes in 2016 and displaced thousands of people. It was the highest figure since 2000. I’ve witnessed Palestinian families thrown out of…

Humanising Palestinians guarantees Israeli resistance

I recently reported from Gaza for the Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne Age. The piece was spread widely online around the world. Unsurprisingly, it upset the Israel lobby because I hadn’t simply republished Israeli government talking points. Furthermore, humanising Palestinians is always a problem for people and groups that loathe empathetic Arabs. A major, Zionist…

US outlet Truthout Q&A on disaster capitalism in a Trump world

US outlet Truthout has picked my book, Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe, as an important title. Here’s my Q&A: The following is a Truthout interview with Antony Loewenstein, the author of… Disaster Capitalism:… Making a Killing Out of Catastrophe. Mark Karlin: Naomi Klein praises your book effusively. How were you galvanized by her book,… The… Shock… Doctrine:…

US publication Pop Matters reviews paperback Disaster Capitalism

US magazine Pop Matters reviews my book Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe (the publication positively reviewed it once before in 2015). This 2017 review of the paperback edition is by Garrett Castleberry: Toward the end of my undergraduate career, I found myself at a crossroads. As a communication major, my professional outlook…

How failing British multinational Serco wants to expand its reach

My investigation for Australian publication Crikey: British multinational Serco is angling for more work in Australia. In August, The Sydney Morning Herald reported that the New South Wales government was preparing to start outsourcing public housing in 2017, with about a third to be transferred to non-government groups over four years. Serco told what was…

Who makes money from the crisis in Yemen?

Yemen is suffering one of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, fuelled by the US-backed, Saudi Arabian war against civilians. Weapons manufacturers also have blood on their hands. I was interviewed today by journalist Jacob Burns in the Jordanian publication, Al Bawaba: Antony Loewenstein, an independent journalist and author of Disaster Capitalism:… Making A Killing…

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