The dark reality of Britain's privatised immigration system

My weekly Guardian column: Yarl’s Wood is a Serco run immigration removal centre in Milton Ernest, built in an industrial park more than an hour from central London.… Allegations have been made against Serco staff, including of sexual assaults by guards against detainees, yet the British government continues to use the facility. During a visit inside…

Global Jews say end the massacre in Gaza

I’m honoured to be asked to sign the following just released statement with a range of distinguished people around the world: Jews Say: End the War on Gaza — No Aid to Apartheid Israel! Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, July 22, 2014 On July 12, 2014, Gaza civil society issued an urgent appeal for…

Edward Snowden warning to us all

A detailed interview with NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden recorded by The Guardian in Moscow. He remains articulate, passionate, insightful and the best argument against the mass surveillance state:

How the West has always backed brutal Sri Lanka

My weekly Guardian column: The Sri Lankan Navy band was busy last week, learning the tune to Waltzing Matilda. They played it to welcome Scott Morrison, the Australian immigration minister, who was visiting to launch two patrol boats donated by the Australian government. A photo of the moment,tweeted… by journalist Jason Koutsoukis, showed Morrison sitting alongside…

Key aim of Israeli war plans is to kill Arabs over and over again

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: The goal of Operation Protective Edge is to restore the calm; the means: killing civilians. The slogan of the Mafia has become official Israeli policy. Israel sincerely believes that if it kills hundreds of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, quiet will reign. It is pointless to destroy the weapons stores of…

On Utoya: book on murder, far-right, racism and hate

In 2011 Norwegian… Anders Breivik murdered dozens of his countrymen and women in a rampage of hatred.…  Soon after, three Australians, Tad Tietze, Liz Humphrys and Guy Rundle, edited a collection,… On Utoya, about the event. My chapter was about the growing connections between the far-right and Israel. The e-book has now been released as a free…

How the NSA wants total population control

My weekly Guardian column: William Binney is one of the highest-level whistleblowers to ever emerge from the NSA. He was a leading code-breaker against the Soviet Union during the Cold War but resigned soon after September 11, disgusted by Washington’s move towards mass surveillance. On 5 July he spoke at a… conference… in London organised by the…

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