Global reach of the NSA is literally everywhere

Edward Snowden, a hero not a traitor, has provided the world with an invaluable insight into the scope of NSA spying. Surveillance is rampant and literally everything is being scooped up. Resistance is both vital and timely. A long and detailed report in the New York Times (a similar version appears in the Guardian) explaining…

Australia's treatment of indigenous population akin to apartheid

My weekly Guardian column is published today: Aboriginal levels of incarceration in Australian prisons have never been higher. In fact, country-wide rates of imprisonment are… worse per capita… for the black population than during apartheid South Africa. These numbers are also largely ignored. This silence, which stretches across the country only to reach the highest levels of…

Former Australian Prime Minister Gillard jokes about NSA spying

Revelations about NSA mass spying on virtually every citizen around the world, including key allies of the US, is causing justifiable outrage… globally. Former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, speaking in the US, shows the kind of subservience to Washington that is all too common in our political and media class. We’re a client state and…

Profits of Doom receives positive coverage in Paraguay

The wonders of the internet. I was informed this week that a leading daily media outlet in Asuncion,… Paraguay, Ultima Hora, published a great article about my new book, Profits of Doom. The journalist,… Guido Rodriguez, emailed me to explain that the message of the book resonated with many people in his country. The following is a…

Another day and another example of extreme Zionist racism against Arabs

The extremism and growing fascism inside Israel is largely ignored by the mainstream media and political elites (though it’s something Max Blumenthal’s new book Goliath covers brilliantly). A case in point (via The Times of Israel): A right-wing, anti-assimilation organization that campaigns to prevent Arab men from dating Jewish women has opened a hotline enabling…

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