The “other” Peter Slezak

The following “clarification” appears in today’s Australian newspaper: An article published in the Weekend Australian on March 15-16 (“Jewish voices in discord after Israel ad“, Page 5) quoted Peter Slezak, a founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices, which ran the advertisement protesting parliament’s motion in support of the 60th anniversary of the state of Israel.…

The more Jewish opinions the better

Last year I co-founded Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) as a forum for alternative Jewish perspectives. The last year has seen a host of campaigns and media coverage. Try here, here and here. Now, two original signatories, Peter Slezak and Eran Asoulin, have started blogging on the site, with more to come. The aim is…

Self-defence or brutal occupation?

The following article, co-written with a colleague, appears in today’s Age newspaper: On the world stage, Israel has been traditionally cast as David in a battle against Goliath. But this is too simplistic, for Israel is not without its sins, write Peter Slezak and Antony Loewenstein. Speaking honestly about Israel and Palestine has always been…

Royalty bows before Zionism

After the Australian Jewish community with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd recently celebrated Israel’s 60th anniversary – something protested by many Arabs, Jews and other concerned citizens – similar shenanigans are occurring in Britain: On April 7, Prince Philip will be hosting a dinner at Windsor Castle organised by the Jewish National Fund. They will be…

Jewish dissent lives on

The following letter appears in this week’s Australian Jewish News: The furore over the recent Palestinian statement published in The Australian doesn’t deserve the overwrought reactions in the Jewish community. However, the response by the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies and The AJN have been revealing in propagating a deception to embarrass people who hadn’t…

Smelling fear

Following my involvement with Independent Australian Jewish Voices in the recent public response to Australia’s endorsement of Israel’s 60th anniversary – something that has now been noted by leading Jewish bloggers in America and Britain – the group is receiving, along with a great deal of support, messages such as this: You bunch of dirty…

Jewish voices condemn pro-Israeli solidarity

Watch out if you’re Jewish and don’t entirely support Israeli policies. Today’s Australian reports: A pro-Palestinian advertisement protesting against parliament’s motion in support of Israel has divided members of a Jewish group critical of Israeli national policy. Antony Loewenstein, a founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices, was a signatory to the advertisement, published in The…

Why I won’t be celebrating 60 years of Israel

My following article appears in today’s ABC Unleashed: Like Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s recent apology to the Stolen Generations, the local Jewish community celebrated the gesture of reconciliation to the indigenous population, but as I wrote in Haaretz remained unwilling to extend this sentiment to the Palestinians. Rudd’s parliamentary motion to celebrate Israel’s 60th…

Complicit in silence

My following article appeared in yesterday’s Guardian Comment is Free section: During the current Israeli siege of Gaza – correctly described by Saree Makdisi as “strangulation”, Israel’s ambassador to Australia issued a plea for understanding the Jewish state’s position. The ambassador, Yuval Rotem, argued that, “the people of Gaza are not the enemy”. He also…

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