Chipping away at the “Middle East’s only democracy” myth

Visiting American law professor George Bisharat – a vocal opponent of Israel’s occupation – writes in the Fairfax National Times about the daily discrimination suffered by Palestinians across the occupied territories. Oddly and rather comically, an editor has placed the following caption below the accompanying photo, an image that has no connection whatsoever to the…

Privileged Australian Zionists moan about censorship while Palestine disappears

A sorry saga that needs no introduction. Independent Australian magazine Overland recently received this letter from six Jewish academics. It was sent to the editors of the publication and the editorial board: 20/4/10 Dear members of Overland Editorial Board, We are writing to express our grave concern about your journal’s unbalanced coverage of Israeli-Palestinian issues…

Isolating Iran is part of the “great energy game”

Here’s my interview with Foreign Policy Journal by Kourosh Ziabari: The Middle East is witness to continuous developments these days, such as Iran’s active diplomacy to attract the indispensable 118-member bloc of non-aligned countries to support its nuclear program, the growing isolation of Israel in European countries and within academic circles in the U.S., Arabs’…

A speaker at the upcoming Auckland Writer’s Festival

The following article by Linda Herrick appears today in the New Zealand Herald: A Sydney writer who describes himself as “an atheist Jewish-Australian political activist” is coming to Auckland in May as part of the international lineup for the Writers and Readers Festival. Antony Loewenstein is the author of My Israel Question, a highly critical…

Zionists continue to be alert and alarmed about IAJV

I co-founded Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) nearly three years ago. Since then, our achievements have been modest, but the key aim has always been to expand public debate over the Middle East and show to the wider community that not all Jews back Israeli apartheid in the occupied territories. It’s therefore pretty amusing to…

Liberal, Zionism prevarication allows occupation to continue

Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV), which I co-founded in early 2007, continues to hum along and we have many plans for 2010. A few weeks ago in the Australian Jewish News one-time journalist Michael Visontay – who has form in hand-wringing matters, sometimes feeling terribly pained about something or other in Israel but remaining utterly…

How the one-state solution gains more Jewish supporters

Writer Sara Dowse, opinion editor at the Independent Australian Jewish Voices website, outlines the core Zionist beliefs and support for the Jewish state but then puts forward the one-state solution, a concept gaining more traction across the world: In a very real sense, history has left Israel behind.…  … The idea of mono-cultural, mono-ethnic states has…

Jews coming together on refugees and conflict

The following email was just sent to the list of Independent Australian Jewish Voices: Dear friends, After a brutal civil war that massacred tens of thousands in Sri Lanka, many Tamils are seeking to rebuild their lives in Australia and beyond. We have not only a moral responsibility to listen to their pleas as refugees,…

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