Jews who don’t accept Israeli apartheid

Independent Jewish Voices Canada has made a monumental decision that deserves global praise: Ottawa – Independent Jewish Voices (Canada) voted to join the growing international campaign in support of the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, at its first Annual General Meeting this past weekend. This decision makes IJV the first…

Feeling scared, suckers?

Just how threatening are alternative, Jewish voices to the Zionist establishment? Independent Australian Jewish Voices blogger Michael Brull explains.

Hating Palestinians is just fine

I recently argued the case for free speech for even Holocaust deniers and the hypocrisy of Zionist groups that only care about supposed anti-Semitism and not racism in general. Now Michael Brull, blogger for Independent Australian Jewish Voices, has continued the argument: Australia’s Zionist lobbies recently scored what they consider a triumph. Frederick Toben of…

Race hatred in the heart of Israeli “democracy”

An important Haaretz editorial that requires little comment: The endorsing of a bill criminalizing anyone who marks the Palestinians’ Nakba Day on Israel’s Independence Day, making it punishable by three years in prison, is a hasty and dangerous act. The Ministerial Committee on Legislation approved a private member’s bill by Yisrael Beiteinu MK Alex Miller,…

Blame those leftist extremists, please

Long-time supporters of Israel are having a tough time at the moment. War crimes were committed in Gaza during the recent war. The prospects of a two-state solution are beyond grim. Western-led tensions between Hamas and Gaza are real. The new Israeli government has no intention of seriously pushing for peace, only worsening the West…

IAJV May newsletter

The following email was sent out yesterday to Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) signatories: Dear friends, We would like to inform you of the following events: – Haneen Zoabi is the Knesset’s only female Israeli Arab MP and she arrives in Australia this week. She’ll be appearing on many mainstream news outlets and giving talks…

What, bashing Arabs isn’t decent behaviour?

Michael Brull, a blogger with Independent Australian Jewish Voices, continues his increasingly public and necessary battles with Zionist apologists. First up, former head of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, David Knoll, who has a piece in today’s Sydney Morning Herald, showing his supposed concern about racism. Except, as Brull notes: Look Mr Knoll. You…

History will keep repeating until a solution is found

With the Durban circus continuing, the editor of the Independent Australian Jewish Voices opinion and letters page, Sara Dowse, has a few reflections: In June 1975 I was a member of the Australian delegation to the UN Conference for International Women’s Year. It was held in Mexico City, where for the first time a motion…

Their Israel does not exist

Independent Australian Jewish Voices blogger Michael Brull beautifully skewers the parochialism and racism within the Australian Jewish News, a paper containing countless examples of paranoid, bigoted and clueless Jews. It would be funny if it weren’t so tragic. This is how Jews want to be viewed in the wider community? Some clearly do. Palestinians are…

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