Haven’t we been here before?

Independent Australian Jewish Voices blogger Michael Brull looks at the Obama administration’s foreign policy and finds it remarkably similar to George W. Bush: Obama was elected promising change. But in all the US’s recent actions — in everything from a new series of embarrassing gaffesnew Guantanamo — the changes are noticeable to anyone but the…

And we wonder why the Jewish community is so sick

The following letters appear in this week’s Australian Jewish News: Unhelpful to whom? Jeff Halper, (AJN 03/04), the recent visitor from Israel to our shores, seems to judge Diaspora Jewry’s relations towards Israel according to his own views of his country. A quick lesson in our Diaspora-Israel (not Israel-Diaspora) relations before his visit would have…

Jews are getting the image of being afraid of debate

My following article appears on the leading US blog Mondoweiss: Jeff Halper, Israeli/American peace activist, retired anthropologist and head of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), writes in his recent book, An Israeli in Palestine, of the moment he became a “critical Israeli”: “I first became aware of being an ”˜Israeli in Palestine’ on…

The enforcers are weak

Independent Australian Jewish Voices blogger Michael Brull writes in New Matilda about the limits of “acceptable” debate on Israel/Palestine in Australia: Desperate to promote Israeli Government policy, the Australian Jewish establishment has resorted to calling all kinds of people anti-Semites — even Jews

A message that keeps on escaping

Israeli/American activist Jeff Halper left Australia this morning after a highly successful two-week visit, speaking to a host of media, upsetting the bigoted Zionist establishment and teaching thousands of Australians about the reality of Israeli apartheid. I was proud to be a part of his visit, via Independent Australian Jewish Voices. Halper told New Matilda…

Some Jews like debate, while others, well…

The following letters appear in this week’s Australian Jewish News: FORUM FOR DEBATE I WAS dismayed that The AJN publisher decided that his readership was not entitled to (or capable of) making up its own mind as to events it wishes to attend (AJN 13/03). The AJN, or any other newspaper, should be a forum…

Our voices are rising

Yesterday ABC Radio National featured the following program: As reconstruction efforts begin in Gaza, we hear from six concerned Jews who are openly critical of Israel and its policies in the region. Their views are controversial, ranging from disquiet over perceived injustices perpetrated in their name, to forthright criticisms of Zionism itself. A number of…

Jews insulate themselves from reality

The Australian Jewish News reports today on some utterly unsurprising news. God forbid the Jewish community establishment will allow their members to hear alternative perspectives on Israel/Palestine. Thankfully, such views are getting increasingly widely aired, against the woeful judgement of the Zionist cabal: A Sydney synagogue has cancelled a March 23 appearance by an Israeli…

Aussie Jewish paper refuses ad for activist’s speech

Global Jewish news service JTA reports: An Australian Jewish newspaper refused an ad for a lecture by an activist opposed to Israeli demolitions of Palestinian homes. Robert Magid, the publisher of the Australian Jewish News, would not run an advertisement in this week’s edition for a speaking tour by Jeff Halper, a co-founder of the…

With friends like these in Australia

The following editorial appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Israel is a democracy. It contains many political parties with a wide spectrum of views about how to approach the great issue of an eventual Palestinian settlement, as well as many more mundane policies. It has human rights groups which put the Israeli security forces under…

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