March IAJV newsletter

The following email was sent today to signatories of Independent Australian Jewish Voices: Dear friends, The war in Gaza may be over, but the devastated Strip remains in dire shape. Our recent Gaza media statement generated global attention and highlighted the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, joining worldwide condemnation of Israeli aggression. Full media coverage of…

How to score an own goal, part 7543

The Australian Jewish News publishes the story below today. Who says the Zionist establishment isn’t petrified of debate? The more these clowns try and shut down discussion about Israel/Palestine, the more they look like cowards. And how do they think this plays in the wider community? Jews trying to stifle open debate. Yet another own…

Academic’s visit divides Jewish groups

The following story by Andrew West appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: A leading Jewish publication stands accused of censorship after cancelling an advertisement for a series of lectures to be delivered by a visiting Israeli human rights campaigner. The publisher of The Australian Jewish News, Robert Magid, confirmed that he had pulled an ad…

How to care for human rights

Dr Jeff Halper is a leading Jewish Israeli/American peace activist and founder of Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions. He in currently in Australia on a national tour, sponsored by Australians for Palestine and a host of other groups, including Independent Australian Jewish Voices. Halper was interviewed this morning on Radio National’s Breakfast program. His eloquence,…

The more Jews the better

As co-founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices, I was asked to contribute to this recently released British-collection of dissident Jewish voices, A Time to Speak Out. The latest review of the book appears in The Jewish Quarterly: Most of IJV’s [Independent Jewish Voices] founding statement consists of generalities in favour of human rights, peace and…

Talking Palestine in Ubud

I’m currently in Ubud, Bali after being invited by the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival to conduct an event tonight. The following article appears in the current edition of the local paper, The Bali Advertiser: 2009 Ubud Writers and Readers Festival presents Antony Loewenstein author of “My Israel Question” and “The Blogging Revolution” Just as…

But why does the world hate us so?

Most weeks the Australian Jewish News is filled with letters written by paranoid, ignorant Jews who seem to love the idea of living in a ghetto, a world where Israel is the eternal victim fighting for its life against irrational, hate-filled Muslims. It’s amusing to watch. In this week’s edition: Well, here we go again:…

And we are growing in strength

Antony Lerman, The Guardian, February 6: Each and every Jew who protested as a Jew against the Gaza war had a personal Jewish imperative for doing so. Some simply expressed dismay; most demanded action to end the carnage. To say that we failed is neither an expression of despair nor a statement that dissent wasn’t…

Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali accuses Israel of atrocities

The following story by Natalie O’Brien appears in today’s Australian newspaper: Australia’s most outspoken Muslim leader, Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, has compared the Israeli bombing of Gaza to the Holocaust, sparking outrage among Jewish groups. Sheik Hilali, the imam of the nation’s biggest mosque at Lakemba, southwest Sydney, lashed out at the Israeli leaders, branding…

Articulating a different kind of Judaism

One of the aims of Independent Australian Jewish Voices is to provide a space for voices that usually get lost in the hardline Zionist rhetoric that passes for mature commentary in our media and communities. We have a new blogger, Naomi Potipa, who comes from a traditional Zionist background but is starting to open her…

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