Wikileaks rally in Sydney 15 January

Time Saturday, January 15 …· 1:00pm – 4:00pm Location Sydney Town Hall We will be marching to the US Consulate general and then to Hyde Park. Organised by the Support Wikileaks Coalition (Sydney). Speakers include: Antony Loewenstein – Independent journalist and author David Shoebridge – NSW Greens Wendy Bacon – Director of the Australian Centre…

Paying to wipe all those offensive left-wing views

So this is how you engineer society to exclude views you don’t like. George Monbiot explains: For his film (Astro)Turf Wars, Taki Oldham secretly recorded a training session organised by a rightwing libertarian group called American Majority. The trainer, Austin James, was instructing Tea Party members on how to “manipulate the medium”. This is what…

Department of Justice selective outrage over Wikileaks

Here’s the hypocrisy. If Iran demanded Twitter release direct messages of a user, the US government would be outraged. But of course double-standards are the name of the game here: A member of parliament in Iceland who is also a former WikiLeaks volunteer says the US justice department has ordered Twitter to hand over her…

Israel looks at Iran approvingly

So here we are. As the Israeli Knesset starts investigations into left-wing groups that dare question Zionist occupation and war, web censorship is now happening at the country’s only international airport. Perhaps Tel Aviv looks at Tehran and would like advice how to block “offensive” websites: Internet sites of political organizations, both left-wing and right-wing,…

The philosophy behind Openleaks

Daniel Domscheit-Berg, once of Wikileaks and now working on the OpenLeaks project, spoke last last year about his plans and how to bring truly transparent information: Here’s a rough transcript. Extract: There’s project staff that has to manage all of this, that has to take care of all the servers. There’s the whole public that…

Earth to DC; world doesn’t want your piece of web imperialism

In my book The Blogging Revolution I explain with examples how the internet isn’t simply a tool that brings democracy and freedom in the Western style. Shock, horror, the US government isn’t listening to advice that aims to show how America remains viewed as a coloniser across the world (that’s a bad thing, by the…

Ahmadinejad bitch slapped by even harder hard-liner

Oh my: The chief of the Revolutionary Guard angrily slapped Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in early 2010, as Tehran was still dealing with the fallout from last year’s election, according to a leaked US diplomatic cable. The cable, written in February, said Revolutionary Guard Chief of Staff Mohammed Ali Jafari blamed Ahmadinejad for the post-election…

We won’t tolerate secrets being kept secret anymore

The London Observer correctly explains the significance of Wikileaks and the empowering of the public against deceit pursued by the powers that be, and that includes many mainstream journalists: For a long time now, since digital media became the defining characteristic of our age, a revolution in information and secrecy has been predicted. WikiLeaks, and…

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