Should we fear China?

With news that Google is threatening to leave China over its oppressive censorship and hacking systems, this news (which is impossible to verify) is either scare-mongering on a massive scale or signs of a brave new world: A classified FBI report indicates that China has secretly developed an army of 180,000 cyberspies that “poses the…

The BBC will not overthrow Tehran

The Islamic Republic increases its attack on “enemies” and outside forces. A paranoid regime – with, it must be said, some justified reason to fear attempts from the West for regime change – simply convinces its foes that it trusts nobody and fears everybody: Authorities in Iran intensified their campaign to blame the country’s political…

Indy media thrives on raising the global reporting bar

The Pulse website offers its “20 Top Global Media Figures of… 2009.” It’s a solid selection and includes Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman, Jeremy Scahill and Mondoweiss. The rise of alternative media continues and when it comes to Israel/Palestine it’s often the only reliable source.

Meanwhile, away from Cairo, the region has its own pace

I’m flat-out here in Cairo working on multiple projects related to the Gaza Freedom March. But some interesting articles and reports on the Middle East are worth sharing: – 1 Year after Gaza Massacre: Over 500 Academics and Cultural Workers Call for Boycott. – On Sunday, 20 December 2009, Al Dameer Association for Human Rights…

How an old cleric challenged the Islamic Republic at its core

The death of Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri in Iran has caused huge public grief and anger: Blogger Cyrus Farivar reminds us of the man’s influence on Iran’s internet culture: I’m obviously fascinated with Montazeri’s small role in Iran’s Internet history. As best as I can tell, this is the first example of the Islamic Republic’s…

Fighting Australia’s impending web censorship farce

An important letter sent by Reporters Without Borders: The Hon Kevin Michael Rudd Prime Minister Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Australia Paris, 18 December 2009 Dear Prime Minister, Reporters Without Borders, an organisation that defends free expression worldwide, would like to share with you its concern about your government’s plan to introduce a mandatory Internet…

The emergence of sex as a bullet of change in Iran

Understanding Iran’s so-called Green Revolution is largely ignored in the West. It’s often framed as Islamic dictatorship versus rampaging democrats. The picture is far more complex. Middle East Report has published a fascinating study about this: The hardliners in the Islamic Republic of Iran thought they had hit upon the perfect way to ruin Majid…

Israeli-led espionage is proudly displayed

A cyber arms-race is brewing largely away from prying eyes and Israel is apparently leading the pack: Israel is using its civilian technological advances to enhance cyberwarfare capabilities, the senior Israeli spymaster said on Tuesday in a rare public disclosure about the secret program. Using computer networks for espionage — by hacking into databases —…

How men can dress up as women in Iran and show solidarity

Resistance in Iran continues to take many forms. Global Voices shows us one way: Hundreds of Iranian men have dressed as women in Hijab to support Majid Tavakoli, a student activist who was arrested on December 7. Iranian authorities claim Mr. Tavakoli was dressed as a woman to escape after delivering a speech in Tehran…

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