How much do we really trust the government?

With growing evidence that the Obama administration is maintaining some of the most extreme examples of Bush era illegalities, this news is ominous: The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 introduced in the Senate would allow the president to shut down private Internet networks. The legislation also calls for the government to have the authority to demand…

One part of the medicine

Evgeny Morozov is a fellow at the Open Society Institute and has written for The Economist, Newsweek, and other publications, and is working on a book on how the Internet transforms global politics. His latest article in the Boston Review: It is thus tempting to embrace the earlier cyber–optimism, trace the success of many political…

Everyone is vulnerable

Welcome to the face of 21st century terrorism: A vast electronic spying operation has infiltrated computers and has stolen documents from hundreds of government and private offices around the world, including those of the Dalai Lama, Canadian researchers have concluded. In a report to be issued this weekend, the researchers said that the system was…

Kiddie porn is only the beginning

Let’s not believe that the Australian government will only block sites that are deemed “illegal”: It has been revealed that ACMA has blacklisted a page on the whistle-blower website that contains a leaked copy of the Danish blacklist of banned websites.

You can’t keep them silent forever

Life in the repressive lane for a reliable US dictatorship: Egyptian authorities should immediately charge or free Diaa Eddin Gad, a blogger held since February 6, 2009, Human Rights Watch said today. Gad is among a number of bloggers and activists arrested in relation to protest in Egypt since the beginning of the Gaza offensive…

How much do we really need to know?

Maybe the use of web technology is sometimes just a little excessive (and pointless?): The Daily Show With Jon StewartM – Th 11p / 10c Twitter Frenzy Daily Show Full EpisodesImportant Things With Demetri Martin Political HumorJoke of the Day

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