Propaganda for the converted

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps have launched a plan to start 10,000 blogs for the paramilitary Basij forces as a counter-weight to the perceived liberalism of the country’s blogosphere.

The net effect

The following essay about the web and my book The Blogging Revolution, by Richard King, appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on January 3: Good, bad or a bit of both? Richard King asks whether the internet serves us, or we serve it. Perhaps new technologies meet with suspicion because of the perception they extend…

Gaza bloggers report from the ground

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Despite Israeli denials, a humanitarian crisis in Gaza is clear and vast numbers of civilians are being bombed and fired upon by invading forces. As The New York Times reports, hospitals, such as Shifa, are struggling with multiple amputations and scant resources. Gisha, an Israeli human…

The establishment talks it out

A revealing discussion about the current Israel/Hamas clash between Heather Hurlburt from Democracy Arsenal/National Security Network and Eli Lake from The Washington Times and The New Republic:

Bloggers under fire

I was interviewed by Sarah Arnold in US magazine The Nation for an article published online on December 23: According to a Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) report released December 4, of the 125 media workers in prison – a list that includes Ibrahim Jassam, a photographer held in US custody in Iraq – more…

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