Spreading the word in the US

After years of talking in Australia and overseas about the Israel/Palestine conflict and internet repression, I’m about to commence a US… speaking tour. My first presentation early next week, at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government/Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, is on “The Shifting Sands of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: An Australian Perspective“: A critical examination of…

Slam God and pay a price

Internet censorship is an insidious practice, better suited to dictatorships. Welcome Thailand: Reporters Without Borders condemns the Thai information ministry’s decision at the start of the month to spend up to 12 million euros on creating an Internet firewall to filter out websites deemed guilty of lese-majeste. “The Thai government’s desire to control online content…

Media monitors

Sydney PEN, an affiliate of International PEN, is an association of writers devoted to freedom of expression in Australia and in the world at large. In accordance with the PEN Charter it uses its influence on behalf of writers anywhere who are silenced by persecution, exile or imprisonment and acts as an authoritative source on… matters…

Honesty is the best policy

Facebook, twitter, blog, facebook, email, online game, then blog, how long have you stayed online? If you have stared at your computer screen and clutched your mouse for over 6.13 hours a day, you are, I am sorry, a person of mental disorder according to the latest official definition in China. China will be the…

Another side of a “liberated” country

Kabul Korrespondence is a blog written by a Westerner living in the Afghan capital. He’s also an editor of the world’s first Afghan photo agency, Aina Photo. A post from yesterday details the fascinating contradictions of the fledgling nation: Schoolboy error shouldn’t stop attempted suicide bomber’s timetable This morning, he was a committed jihadist. This…

Iran isn’t the only problem

Internet censorship is increasingly occurring in so-called democracies, including Argentina: Since 2006, Internet users in Argentina have been blocked from searching for information about some of country’s most notable individuals. Over 100 people have successfully secured temporary restraining orders that direct Google and Yahoo! Argentina to scrub the results of search queries. The list of…

Australia’s censoring tendencies

The Australian government’s plans to censor the internet are causing justified outrage. I was interviewed today by The Podcast Network about these issues, what activists can do to oppose the changes and the possible reasons behind them. (Here’s my previous interview with The Podcast Network about my book The Blogging Revolution.)

How politicians don’t understand the web, part 8642

As the issue of internet censorship heats up in Australia – along with my recent article in the Melbourne Age about the government’s absurd proposals – one of the best sites to track progress is Somebody Think of The Children. Take this post or this one. Simply put, our government is in thrall to the…

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