Behind a repressive curtain

Reporters Without Borders condemns the way the Burmese military government has paralysed the Internet, silencing online dissidents and carrying out regular raids on Internet cafés, while hacker attacks have blocked access to the leading websites with news and information about Burma for the past few weeks.

The BBC on The Blogging Revolution

I was interviewed earlier this week by the BBC Radio Five program Pods and Blogs. We discussed my new book, The Blogging Revolution, the growing tendency of Western governments to try and censor the web and the role of Western multinationals, such as Skype, to assist the Chinese regime in its filtering process.

China comes to England

Get ready for Big Brother in the “democratic” West: Ministers are considering spending up to …£12 billion on a database to monitor and store the internet browsing habits, e-mail and telephone records of everyone in Britain.

The Blogging Revolution: from Iran to Cuba

My following interview by Hamid Tehrani for Global Voices was published today: Antony Loewenstein, a Sydney-based freelance journalist and blogger, has recently published his new book: The Blogging Revolution. This book talks about the impact of blogging on six countries: Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, China and Cuba. He says: I chose the six countries…

Giving what the kids need

The massive popularity of YouTube has resulted in the thinktank Demos suggesting that “creating video blogs and online diaries should be part of the school curriculum, used by schools in the same way that they organise museum trips or extra art classes.”

Resist the inevitable

China has the most sophisticated web censorship in the world (something I examine in detail in my book, The Blogging Revolution.) Is Hong Kong soon to follow its master’s filtering path?

Rolling in cash

There is money to be made from blogging: Blogs with 100,000 or more unique visitors a month earn an average of $75,000 annually—though that figure is skewed by the small percentage of blogs that make more than $200,000 a year. The estimates from a 2007… Business Week article are older but juicier: The… LOLcat empire rakes in…

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