An American in France

Humorist David Sedaris – whom I saw a few nights ago in Sydney, a man of startling insight, hilarity and wit with an oddly compelling high-pitched voice – on blogging: The whole concept is very new to me. I was in St. Louis and my publicist said there were a lot of bloggers at my…

The Anglo influence

Is this new citizen journalism program from YouTube the way to find stories the MSM usually ignores? Probably, but I’m heathily skeptical about the kind of perspectives shorts only allowed in English will produce?

Let the patriot games begin

My following article appears in today’s ABC Unleashed: Before the Beijing Games launched spectacularly last weekend, the vast bulk of Australian media expressed general disdain for China, finding little positive to report. It was just the kind of coverage that played directly into the Communist regime’s hands; such is the widespread belief there that the…

The price of being against war

Information Clearing House is one of my essential daily reads (along with tens of thousands of other people.) It’s proudly anti-war. But now news that its editor-in-chief has been threatened and fears for his life. More here: Tom has gotten his share of death threats over the years, but what happened this week is a…

Do you trust this search engine?

Never. Trust. Internet. Companies: Several Internet and broadband companies have acknowledged using targeted-advertising technology without explicitly informing customers, according to letters released Monday by the House Energy and Commerce Committee. And Google Inc., the leading online advertiser, stated that it had begun using Internet tracking technology that enabled it to more precisely follow Web-surfing behavior…

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