A different kind of Israel

Israeli blogger Gilad Lotan explains how the world misunderstands his country: Even though Israel receives more than enough coverage by mainstream media outlets, I know for a fact that the majority of people have long ago stopped trying to understand this never-ending Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In many people’s eyes, Israel is a place of war, bombs…

Dissing the greying crowd

Leading Chinese blogger Isaac Mao: China has a long tradition of people trying to fit into the group, moderating their behaviour to avoid standing out conspicuously – a culture reinforced by the man-made collectivism of the past half-century. Blogs have leapfrogged this tradition, acting as a catalyst to encourage young people to become more individual.…

What kind of patriot are you?

You can almost hear the anticipation of some in the US government just waiting for another 9/11. The ultimate goal? Massive censorship of the internet: Amazing revelations have emerged concerning already existing government plans to overhaul the way the internet functions in order to apply much greater restrictions and control over the web. Lawrence Lessig,…

Engaging, not hectoring, China

My following article appears in the Amnesty International Australia’s Uncensor campaign about human rights in China: The future of human rights in China after the Games will require constant negotiation and patience, writes Antony Loewenstein The Olympics are nearly upon us (and dog is allegedly banned from sale during the event.) Beijing residents are reporting…

Not just the Olympic focus

Something to enchant from Chinese design students and a fine example of combining technology and the beauty and tradition of history: Find more videos like this on DESIGN CHALLENGE PROJECT More here and here.

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