I love the taste of Persian blood in the morning

The rhetoric against Iran seems to be increasing by the day. As if the situation wasn’t complicated enough, now we have evangelical Christians almost begging Iranian Jews to leave because their situation is apparently life-threatening: Evangelical Christians in the U.S. have brought dozens of Iranian Jews to Israel in recent months, offering cash incentives and…

Killing our own

Who said the Bush administration doesn’t like terrorists? Welcome to the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), an Iranian opposition group more akin to a Islamist-Stalinist cult. As if more evidence was needed, the “war on terror” has never been about eradicating terrorism or spreading freedom and democracy. It’s simply about re-ordering the Middle East to better suit…

Houston, we have a regional dominance problem

Dr. Trita Parsi, Rootless Cosmopolitan, October 9: …As I discovered in the course of researching my book Treacherous Alliance – the Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran and the United States, not only does Netanyahu’s characterization of Iran have little relationship to reality; Netanyahu himself knows this better than most. Outside of the realm of cynical…

The lies of Zionist overtures

How much longer will we have to listen to lies about Israel’s desperate search for peace? The Guardian reports: The Israeli army has ordered the seizure of Palestinian land surrounding four West Bank villages apparently in order to hugely expand settlements around Jerusalem, it emerged yesterday. The confiscation happened as Israeli and Palestinian negotiators met…

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