Just what role does British government have in wanting war against Iran?

Jonathan Cook in Al-Akhbar English: Last February Britain’s then defense minister Liam Fox attended a dinner in Tel Aviv with a group described as senior Israelis. Alongside him sat Adam Werritty, a lobbyist whose “improper relations” with the minister would lead eight months later to Fox’s hurried resignation. According to several reports in the British…

MSM once again, like Iraq 2003, ramping up war against Iran

Seymour Hersh writes in the New Yorker that in the rush to accept the Israeli and American line over Iran – Tehran is a major threat and must be isolated (pretty much the same argument they’ve been making for a decade or more) – skepticism and rationality has once again disappeared: I’ve been reporting on…

Spirit of resistance still lives inside Iran

A new graphic novel, Zahra’s Paradise, is released that shows the long and ongoing struggle of Iranians for a better, safer and non-fundamentalist future. The New York Review of Books: The people that Zahra and Hassan come across in their quest tell them stories: of missing relatives, confiscated property, executions, and the like. Hassan, for…

How the Zionist lobby corrupts the heart of British government

The influence of Likud-style, extreme Zionism at the heart of the British government is becoming clearer by the day. Such moves are prevalent in most Western democracies and usually remain unquestioned. They should not. This news emerged only by chance recently due to a political scandal: Adam Werritty was at a meeting between the former…

Iraq remains the catastrophe that nobody wants to acknowledge

Juan Cole on the spluttering end to the (kind of/sort of) formal US involvement (though private contractors are only increasing): The US keeps fretting over Iranian influence in Iraq, but that is silly. If you didn’t want Iranian Shiite influence in Iraq you shouldn’t have overthrown the Sunni Saddam Hussein and seated the Shiite fundamentalists…

The troubles with Hamas in Gaza

The Islamist political party is struggling to maintain power and influence in the blockaded Strip, according to Time magazine. In so many ways, the Arab Spring needs to arrive in Palestine: When the islamist movement known as Hamas first took control of Gaza in 2006, the family of Ahmed Ayyash, a third-year engineering student at…

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