When will reality hit?

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan tells the Washington Post, in a sign that even once friendly allies of the Jewish state are losing patience with its criminality, that its time to enter the league of civilised nations: Hamas is not an arm of Iran. Hamas entered the elections as a political party. If the…

Using the Palestinians

Azadeh Moaveni, Washington Post, Janaury 25: During a recent trip to Tehran, I noticed that the Benetton shop in my old neighborhood of Darrous was closed, its windows papered over. In the past, fundamentalists offended by the shop’s immodest displays had decried its immorality and spread rumors of “Zionist ownership.” This time, however, they set…

The Jewish state likes being alone

Saudi Arabia is a brutal dictatorship run by crooks. Despite this, however, it remains a close friend of the US and “ally” of Israel. The recent war against Gaza may have changed all that, writes Prince Turki, chairman of King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies in Riyadh. He has also been director of…

Let the UN take over?

Halewistan is an intriguing new blog by a “perennial student, Canadian national and global citizen.” The name? / ha / le / wi / from the semitic root of the author’s name, meaning join, connect for mutual benefit; alternatively, a wanderer, a consecrated person, ”˜adherent, client, devotee (of god)’ / stan / from Persian -stan…

From Sydney to Iran

Following my recent interview with the Tehran Times about the conflict in Gaza, I was interviewed (in English, then translated into Farsi) with Khabar online. Persian readers are welcome to enjoy the article.

Victory in blood

With the war against Gaza entering a new phase – partial “peace” though Israeli troops still occupy the Gaza Strip and the Jewish state claiming/hoping/praying that its actions will deter Hamas/Hizbollah/Iran – allegations such as these will only continue to grow: Israel stands accused of perpetrating a series of war crimes during a sustained 12-hour…

It’s not always about Tehran

Trita Parsi, one of the finest writers on Iran’s relationship with America, counters Zionist propaganda that blames Iran for being the secret hand behind the behaviour of Hamas: In talking about the assault on Gaza, neo-conservative pundits and Israeli hardliners have relied on a familiar frame. The fighting in Gaza, they say, is a struggle…

Crush them, kill them

Zionist mouthpiece Daniel Pipes argues that Israel’s leadership is “disastrous.” Why? Because they haven’t bombed Iran: The waning days of the Bush administration, with the current president nearly out the door and the president-elect yet in the wings, offers a unique moment to take care of business. Why did Olmert squander this opportunity to confront…

Australian writer: Israel is a child that won’t grow!

My following interview, published in the Tehran Times, is now available online. Aside from an excessively flowery introduction, my comments are exactly as I sent them: Amidst the harrowing blitz of Zionist arsenals on the defenseless civilians of Gaza and under the heart-rending silence of international community, UN officials, Western powers and Arab leaders who…

Propaganda for the converted

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps have launched a plan to start 10,000 blogs for the paramilitary Basij forces as a counter-weight to the perceived liberalism of the country’s blogosphere.

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