The net effect

The following essay about the web and my book The Blogging Revolution, by Richard King, appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on January 3: Good, bad or a bit of both? Richard King asks whether the internet serves us, or we serve it. Perhaps new technologies meet with suspicion because of the perception they extend…

More than terror in name

When is a terrorist group not a terrorist group? When the US can use them to potentially overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran. Welcome to the MEK.

The cards are shifting (and Israel missed the press release)

Zvi Bar’el, Haaretz, January 4: Hamas, as it turns out, has a single definition for victory. Like Hezbollah, Hamas knows that a few hundred rockets will not crush Israel, but rather serve as critically-needed leverage to establish its presence as a prominent and active decision-making force in the inter-Palestinian arena. This goes beyond Hamas’ standing…

Two Jews, far apart

Despite It’s military might, Israel is a weak and dying state. So writes Oren Ben-Dor. I don’t quite share his position, though do believe that global public opinion has rarely been so opposed to the Jewish state and its apartheid policies. Then, reading a piece in Haaretz such as this, when Israel is encouaged to…

So much for free speech

The Iranian press watchdog shut down leading reformist newspaper Kargozaran on Wednesday over publication of a piece criticising Palestinian militants, the official IRNA news agency reported.

Some Iranian solidarity

Different groups representing Iran’s Jewish community on Tuesday gathered in front of the United Nations office in Teheran in order to protest “Israeli war crimes and the slaughter of the innocent people in Gaza Strip,” the Iranian IRNA news agency reported. The protesters, led by the Jewish representative in Parliament, Siamak Mara-Sedq, carried placards with…

Meetings are inevitable

The Arab League has been remarkably useless over the last years, seemingly incapable or unwilling to improve the lives of Arabs, and yet this is a good idea: Arabs and Iranians should sit together to try to resolve regional disputes, including the Persian nation’s nuclear ambitions, the head of the Arab League said Tuesday. Amr…

The policy on Israel

My following article is published in Dawn, Pakistan’s leading English-language newspaper: During this year’s US presidential campaign, both Republican nominee John McCain and Democratic contender Barack Obama expressed unwavering support for Israel. It was the only country in the world that required constant loyalty tests. Obama told the leading Zionist lobby, AIPAC, that he would…

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