Feeding the beast

What is the real legacy of the Bush administration in the Middle East? Rami G. Khouri writes: Major Arab allies of the United States – such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan – are in more precarious condition now than they were eight years ago. They find themselves uncomfortably perched between their own reliance on U.S.…

Being afraid of the blog

A curious story about the power of the web, Iranian/American relations and the inability of officialdom to silence alternative voices (via the Boston Globe): U.S. officials took it as a quiet sign of good will: In October, the Iranian government gave permission to Iranian bloggers to travel to the United States to write about its…

Give the UN some balance

The Muslim world speaks: A poll of seven majority Muslim nations finds people conflicted about the United Nations. On one hand there is widespread support for a more active UN with much broader powers than it has today. On the other hand, there is a perception that the UN is dominated by the US and…

What they think of us

The artist’s statement from the Pictures of You: Images of Iran project: One day, while photographing on the streets of Isfahan, Iran, I spotted a young Persian man wearing a Dixie Chicks t-shirt. I introduced myself, and I inquired whether his t-shirt was intended to signify his dislike for the American President Bush. He smiled,…

The Blogging Revolution and voices of crisis

Juan Cole runs one of the finest and most popular US-based Middle East related blogs. It’s been a beacon of rationality during the Bush years. My following piece appears on his site today: During last week’s terror attacks in Mumbai, new technology reacted to the news faster than traditional media services. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and…

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